January 29, week 3

Quiz 3: Weaving Presentation and Weavers Throughout Time and Place, part 2
Wednesday: class meets in the Dye Lab A31

winding the shuttle
spreading the warp (with yarn, cardboard, cut fabric)
plain weave with 1 color (tabby); one pick, sequence or pass, neat selvage, bubbling + angle, take up
dealing with tails, starting new thread mid shed
balanced weave versus heavy beating to achieve weft faced weave (tapestry look)
columns, dots, waves; plain weave with 2 colors (2 picks, 2 picks; 1 pick, 1 pick)

Weaving plain weave with two shuttles

2 picks of one color, 2 picks of another color
2nd color is brought in from the opposing side
Put your hand under the thread from the shuttle that is there to catch the incoming shuttle; this gives you the correct crossover of the weft threads. Do this on both sides.

1 pick of one color, 1 pick of another color
The position of the outermost selvage thread (after the pick is beaten and the shed is changed) will direct how the threads from different shuttles interact. 2nd color is brought in from the opposing side. Shuttle 1 is out of the shed. Shuttle 2 is brought out of the shed (now both are on the same side), CHANGE THE SHED and identify the position of the outermost selvage warp.

Outermost selvage thread is UP→ shuttle going into the shed CROSSES OVER the thread that came out of the shed last. (shuttle that came out of the shed last can lie behind the shuttle that is about to into the shed).

Outermost selvage thread is DOWN→ shuttle going into the shed goes UNDER the thread that came out of the shed last. (shuttle that came out of the shed sits in front of the shuttle that is about to go into the shed).

Homework for January 31
1. Embroidery Sample (due January 31)

2. Watch History of Dyes videos, quiz to follow
history of dyes
a brief history of the invention of modern color
In Search of Forgotten Colours – Sachio Yoshioka and the Art of Natural Dyeing

3. pin images on Pinterest (please find images of Gunta Stölzl and Anni Albers weavings and pin four of your favorites to Pinterest board/your section)

Homework for February 5
Weaving Sample
: follow videos in Weaving Technical Resources: Basics, Surface Embellishments, Creating Shapes and weave additional 10” outside of class (for a total of 16”). Students must complete the following:
*plain weave with one color; heavily beat one section (using fork) to see the difference between balanced weave and weft faced weave (this should have been accomplished in class)
*2 picks + 2 picks, 1 pick + 1 pick
Weaving Plain Weave with Two Shuttles/Colors (2 picks, 2 picks; 1 pick, 1 pick)
*3 rectangles of color with slits
Weaving Three Rectangular Shapes with Slits Between Them
*3 rectangles of color with weft interlock
Weft Interlock – Schacht Spindle
Weft Interlock – weave with pat
Weft Interlock – with Rebecca Mezoff
*practice meet and separate with 3 and 4 colors
Meet and Separate (tail to tail, head to head)
*surface embellishments of choice (choose from Surface Embellishments videos)
*2 found materials woven with plain weave
*practice clasped weft (start at 4:14)
Clasped weft – diamond shape