Spring 2025
Welcome to Introduction to Textile Media—a glimpse into the technical, historical and conceptual grounding of this medium. The class covers spinning, weaving, hand and machine sewing, silk screen and block printing on fabric, applique, piece-work quilting, and felting. Technical exploration, complimented by the study of historical precedent and contemporary practice, supports students in exploring textiles as an expressive medium. Course work includes creative projects, technical samplers, and critical feedback. THIS CLASS REQUIRES A MINIMUM OF 6 HOURS OF WORK OUTSIDE OF CLASS PER WEEK BUT MAY TAKE AS MUCH AS 10 HOURS OF WORK.
Section A of Media Synthesis & Analysis – Spring 2025
Course Location: Hunt Library, Studio A (106B), Sewing Lab, Dye Lab
Course Time: Monday and Wednesday, 2-3:50pm
Instructor: Natalya Pinchuk, npinchuk@andrew.cmu.edu
TA: J Bellantoni, jlbellan@andrew.cmu.edu
Instructor Office Hours: Monday and Wednesday, 4-5pm (Studio A, Sewing Lab, Dye Lab) or by appointment
TA Office Hours: Thursdays 5-7pm (in Studio A, Sewing Lab, A4 or Dye Lab, A31)
Sewing Lab (A4) Assistant Hours: TBD (in Sewing Lab, A4)
Course Calendar PDF: https://courses.ideate.cmu.edu/62-150/f2024a/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Copy-of-f2024-INTRO-SCHEDULE-DETAILED-1.pdf
Course Calendar PDF: https://courses.ideate.cmu.edu/62-150/s2025a/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/Syllabus-S2025-62-150-A_-Introduction-to-Textile-Media-2.pdf
Course Syllabus PDF: Syllabus-S2025-62-150-A_-Introduction-to-Textile-Media-2