February 5, week 4


  1. After a short demonstration, students work on weaving samples in class, while Natalya talks to students individually about their final weaving plans.
  2. February 10 is a ‘work on your weaving sample’ day in class. Ideally, at the end of Monday class, everyone takes their samples off the loom and makes a plan with a class buddy to re-warp the loom as soon as possible in order to begin working on the final weaving.  Some students may need more time to work on their samples before they are ready to move on. That is ok.  The looms must be re-warped by February 19 AT THE VERY LATEST.

    Short Demonstration:
  3. weaving shapes and using tapestry needles
  4. pick up sticks, warp and weft floats
    *picking up warp threads in the front and back of the loom
    *blue section below (warp floats):
    shaft in the up position + pick up stick forward
    shaft in the down position
    *pink section below (weft floats):
    shaft in the up position
    neutral + pick up stick forward/on its edge
    *yellow section below (warp and weft floats)
    shaft in the down position
    shaft in neutral + pick up stick forward/on its edge
    *grey section below
    4 picks of plain weave
    2 sequences: shaft in the up position + pick up forward; shaft in the down position
    2 sequences: shaft in the up position; neutral + pick up stick forward/on its edge
    2 sequences: shaft in the up position + pick up forward; shaft in the down position
    4 picks of plain weaveHomework:
    Complete and Post on Pinterest:
    1. 26” of Weaving Sample must be completed by following techniques in videos available under Weaving Resources: Basics, Surface Embellishments, Creating Shapes, PIck Up Sticks, Color Hatching, Lace Techniques. The sample must include elements and effects students are considering in the Final Weaving.

    2. Pin your favorite Final Weaving designs. By this day students should know what they will pursue for the Final Weaving design. Submit via email: short paragraph with plan of action for the Final Weaving with goals for each week.