Assignment 1 – Jha

I learned that smaller does not always mean less work. In this case it was very difficult maneuvering the tape and plastic when the inflatable I was making was of smaller size, as well as find the holes where the air was escaping. I also learned that two sets of hands may be easier than one in some cases, as I found it difficult to keep the plastic in place while placing the tape on it. If I were to continue I would obey my initial sketches less. While it was helpful to sketch out some ideas beforehand I found it difficult to stay true to those designs as I was carrying out the project — it would have been more helpful to use those as a starting off point and then see where the project took me (i.e. change some things about the plans if need be). If I were to do this project differently I would think of an overall theme that these inflatables would have. I like the idea of all the smaller projects being connected together by one or two similar characteristics, and have I had more time, I would have liked to incorporate this idea with this assignment.