Jules Przybylska – Individual Project

The goal I set for myself in this project was to learn more about using more conventional fabrics when making clothing. I went to a fabric store ans bought several different materials.

I decided to use a silky creme colored material for one outfit and canvas for another.

Overall, the process of creating these outfits proved to be more difficult than I initially thought it would be. I was used to making clothes out of plastic which is something that usually comes after learning basic pattern making with conventional materials.

I had learned to sew by making outfits out of PVC, a material that has different qualities than regular clothing materials, especially when I comes to being stretchy/wearable. The next step for me was to learn how to make clothing that could be worn everyday, comfortably.

The problems I encountered were mainly about sizing and patterning. As individual pieces, the clothes could work, however as an outfit the silk pieces did not look as put together as they should have.

I am proud of what I have accomplished and I plan to continue making clothes this summer.