March 12, week 8

In Class:
Natalya gives a quick overview of how to create a pattern for bodice that will be used for sewing a sleeve in.  While students are working on their Sleeveless Shells, Natalya measures each student, so that they can draft a sleeve independently by following S. Furrer’s video.  Shells are due on Monday, March 17.  All sewing samples assigned until now need to be finished by Monday as well.

Patternmaking + Design: Creative Sleeves

Introduction & Getting Started (sloper modifications needed for blouse/shirt, jacket, coat + how to measure for sleeve sloper), watch 0-15 mins and  33 min – 44min.  Follow Natalya’s instructions from class for creating a bodice pattern to be used with a drafted sleeve.
Basic Sleeve Sloper and Tailored Sleeve, draft your sleeve by following instructions 0-40 mins.