NatalieKS – [OLD FALL 2017] 15-104 • Introduction to Computing for Creative Practice Professor Roger B. Dannenberg • Fall 2017 • Introduction to Computing for Creative Practice Sat, 12 Sep 2020 00:19:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 NatalieKS-Final-Project Fri, 08 Dec 2017 18:37:09 +0000 Continue reading "NatalieKS-Final-Project"]]>

While this project was stressful, it was really fun to be able to put something together using things I had learned this semester. One of my goals was to be able to create a small, fun game, and I’m proud to say that I have accomplished that goal. I wanted to create something clean, almost child-like in terms of visuals, and I wanted to employ a variety of instruments for the various sounds. One thing I wish I knew how to do was adjust the volume of each sound; some of them are louder than others, and I would’ve liked them all to be the same volume. Even so, it was cool to be able to create something a bit more advanced (as opposed to a still image) and to create an actual game from scratch. I hope you have as much fun playing the game and discovering the different sounds as I had putting them all together!


My project is a sound-based game, so please make sure your sound is on!

How to Play:

Press any key to begin, and continue pressing keys (the ones with letters on them) to play the game. You have 15 seconds to create a musical composition, and then judges will judge you. Have fun!


//Natalie Schmidt
//Section D
//Final Project

//indicate when the game starts
var startGame;
//keep track of how many seconds have passed since
//the game started
var secondsPassed;
//keep track of how many times the key is pressed
var count = 0;
//indicate whether the game has started or not
var isGamePlayed = false;
//indicate whether to display the end message
var isEndMessage = false;
//use for probability of the faces
var r;
//x position of the faces
var x;
//y position of the faces
var y;
//position of the note
var noteX;
//x position of the notes
var noteXPos = [];
//y position of the notes
var noteYPos = [];

//I tried to avoid having too many
//characters on one line,
//but I didn't want to break the link into
//two separate lines
function preload() {
    boomcrash = loadSound("");
    snare = loadSound("");
    acousticKick = loadSound("");
    drumstick = loadSound("");
    rattleDrum2 = loadSound("");
    smallHighHat = loadSound("");
    smallCymbal = loadSound("");
    deepCymbal = loadSound("");
    highStrings = loadSound("");
    lowStrings = loadSound("");
    synth1 = loadSound("");
    synth2 = loadSound("");
    synth3 = loadSound("");
    bassStrings = loadSound("");
    highStrings2 = loadSound("");
    pianoDo = loadSound("");
    pianoRe = loadSound("");
    pianoMi = loadSound("");
    pianoFa = loadSound("");
    pianoSo = loadSound("");
    pianoLa = loadSound("");
    pianoTi = loadSound("");
    pianoOctave = loadSound("");
    frenchhorn1 = loadSound("");
    frenchhorn2 = loadSound("");
    frenchhorn3 = loadSound("");

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 480);
    startGame = second();
    r = floor(random(1, 10));
//set the starting position of the note
    noteX = 640;

function draw() {
    background(236, 101, 114);
    scale(0.75, 0.75);
//leftmost judge
//center judge
//rightmost judge
//display the staff and moving notes
//if the game has started, keep track of how
//many seconds have passed!
    if (isGamePlayed == true) {
    //Time when the game ends
        e = new Date();
        secondsPassed = e/1000 - d/1000;
    //display the seconds passed as a timer
        text(nf(secondsPassed, 2, 1), 260, 50);
//if 15 seconds have passed since the game started,
//display end message
    if (secondsPassed >= 15.0) {
        isGamePlayed = false;
        isEndMessage = true;
//draw the notes
    for(var i = 0; i < noteXPos.length; i++) {
        if (isGamePlayed == true) {
            ellipse(noteXPos[i], noteYPos[i], 15, 10);
        //make them move across the screen
            noteXPos[i] -= 8;
//if the game hasn't started, display the start message
    if (isGamePlayed == false & isEndMessage == false) {

//message before the game starts
function startMessage() {
    fill(236, 198, 21);
    rect(65, 30, 500, 170, 20);
    rect(75, 30, 500, 160, 20);
    fill(236, 198, 21);
    text("Welcome!", 240, 60);
    text("Here's how to play:", 245, 85);
    text("Each key corresponds to a different sound." + " "
        + "Once you press the first key,", 85, 105);
    text("the timer will start." + " "
        + "You have 15 seconds to create your own", 125, 125);
    text("musical masterpiece. When you're done," + " "
        + "the three judges will judge you!", 85, 145);
    fill(236, 198, 21);
    text("Have fun, and good luck!", 185, 175);

//message when the game is over
function endMessage() {
    fill(236, 198, 21);
    rect(65, 30, 500, 160, 20);
    rect(75, 30, 500, 150, 20);
    fill(236, 198, 21);
    text("The End!", 225, 75);
    text("Look at the judges to see" + " "
        + "how you did!", 150, 110);
    text("Thanks for playing!", 230, 135);
    text("Refresh the page if you'd" + " "
        + "like to play again!", 170, 165);

//create the leftmost judge: the happy judge
function judge1() {
    x = 80;
    y = 355;
//light gray shadow
    ellipse(90, 575, 100, 350);
//white body
    ellipse(100, 575, 100, 350);
//head shadow
    ellipse(90, 370, 125, 125);
//white head
    ellipse(100, 370, 125, 125);

//determine expressions
    if (isGamePlayed == true) {
    if (secondsPassed >= 15.0) {
        if (r <= 6) {
        else if (r >= 7 & r <= 9) {
        else {

//create the center judge: the equal judge
function judge2() {
    x = 280;
    y = 355;
//light gray shadow
    ellipse(290, 575, 100, 350);
//white body
    ellipse(300, 575, 100, 350);
//head shadow
    ellipse(290, 370, 125, 125);
//white head
    ellipse(300, 370, 125, 125);

//determine expressions
    if (isGamePlayed == true) {
    if (secondsPassed >= 15) {
        if (r <= 4) {
        else if (r >= 5 & r <= 7) {
        else {

//create the rightmost judge:
//the hard to impress judge
function judge3() {
    x = 480;
    y = 355;
//light gray shadow for body
    ellipse(490, 575, 100, 350);
//white body
    ellipse(500, 575, 100, 350);
//light gray shadow for head
    ellipse(490, 370, 125, 125);
//white head
    ellipse(500, 370, 125, 125);

//determine expressions for game
    if (isGamePlayed == true) {
    if (secondsPassed >= 15) {
        if (r <= 4) {
        else {

//create surprised expression
function surprisedFace() {
//eyelashes left eye
    line(x - 1, y - 15, x - 1, y - 25);
    line(x - 5, y - 15, x - 7, y - 25);
    line(x + 3, y - 15, x + 5, y - 25);
//eyelashes right eye
    line(x + 39, y - 15, x + 39, y - 25);
    line(x + 35, y - 15, x + 33, y - 25);
    line(x + 43, y - 15, x + 45, y - 25);
    ellipse(x, y, 25, 30);
    ellipse(x + 40, y, 25, 30);
    ellipse(x, y, 15, 15);
    ellipse(x + 40, y, 15, 15);
    ellipse(x + 20, y + 45, 20, 30);

//display message
    fill(236, 198, 21);
    rect(x + 40, y - 145, 90, 85, 20);
    triangle(x + 43, y - 70, x + 70, y - 60,
        x + 33, y - 55);
    rect(x + 50, y - 145, 90, 80, 20);
    triangle(x + 53, y - 75, x + 80, y - 65,
        x + 43, y - 60);
    text("Wow!", x + 60, y - 95);

//create unimpressed "meh" expression
function mehFace() {
    ellipse(x + 5, y, 15, 15);
    ellipse(x + 45, y, 15, 15);
//eyelids (the curves)
    arc(x + 1, y - 1, 20, 20, PI, 0);
    arc(x + 41, y - 1, 20, 20, PI, 0);
    line(x + 10, y + 35, x + 40, y + 35);
    arc(x, y + 35, 20, 20, 3*PI/2, HALF_PI);

//display message
    fill(236, 198, 21);
    rect(x + 40, y - 145, 90, 85, 20);
    triangle(x + 43, y - 70, x + 70, y - 60,
        x + 33, y - 55);
    rect(x + 50, y - 145, 90, 80, 20);
    triangle(x + 53, y - 75, x + 80, y - 65,
        x + 43, y - 60);
    text("meh", x + 64, y - 95);

//create happy expression
function happyFace() {
//eyelashes left eye
    line(x - 1, y - 10, x - 1, y - 20);
    line(x - 5, y - 10, x - 7, y - 20);
    line(x + 3, y - 10, x + 5, y - 20);
//eyelashes right eye
    line(x + 39, y - 10, x + 39, y - 20);
    line(x + 35, y - 10, x + 33, y - 20);
    line(x + 43, y - 10, x + 45, y - 20);
    arc(x, y, 25, 25, PI, 0);
    arc(x + 40, y, 25, 25, PI, 0);
    arc(x + 20, y + 30, 50, 50, 0, PI);
//blush marks left
    stroke(236, 101, 114, 100);
    line(x - 35, y + 17, x - 25, y + 12);
    line(x - 25, y + 17, x - 15, y + 12);
    line(x - 15, y + 17, x - 5, y + 12);
//blush marks right
    line(x + 40, y + 17, x + 50, y + 12);
    line(x + 50, y + 17, x + 60, y + 12);
    line(x + 60, y + 17, x + 70, y + 12);

//display message
    fill(236, 198, 21);
    rect(x + 40, y - 145, 90, 85, 20);
    triangle(x + 43, y - 70, x + 70, y - 60,
        x + 33, y - 55);
    rect(x + 50, y - 145, 90, 80, 20);
    triangle(x + 53, y - 75, x + 80, y - 65,
        x + 43, y - 60);
    text("Pretty!", x + 55, y - 95);

//create thinking face displayed
//during the game
function thinkingFace() {
//left eyelid
    arc(x, y + 10, 25, 25, PI, 0);
//right eyelid
    arc(x + 40, y + 10, 25, 25, PI, 0);
    arc(x +5, y + 35, 15, 15, 3*PI/2, HALF_PI);
    arc(x + 22, y + 28, 25, 25, PI/4, 3*PI/4);

function musicNotes() {
//music staff (lines)
    for (var i = 3; i < 8; i++) {
        stroke(0, 0, 0, 80);
        line(0, i*20, 640, i*20);
//push the y position into the array

function keyPressed() {
//keep track of how many times
//the keys are pressed
//if a key is pressed, start the game
    if (count == 1) {
        isGamePlayed = true;
     // startGame = second();
     //Time when the key was pressed
        d = new Date();
//push the current x position into the noteX array

//assign sounds to each letter
//and only play them if the game is being played
    if(isGamePlayed == true) {
        //letter a
        if (keyCode == 65) {
        //letter s
        if (keyCode == 83) {
        //letter d
        if (keyCode == 68) {
        //letter e
        if (keyCode == 69) {
        //letter w
        if (keyCode == 87) {
        //letter x
        if (keyCode == 88) {
        //letter z
        if (keyCode == 90) {
        //letter q
        if (keyCode == 81) {
        //letter j
        if (keyCode == 74) {
        //letter k
        if (keyCode == 75) {
        //letter l
        if (keyCode == 76) {
        //letter r
        if (keyCode == 82) {
        //letter t
        if (keyCode == 84) {
        //letter y
        if (keyCode == 89) {
        //letter u
        if (keyCode == 85) {
        //letter f
        if (keyCode == 70) {
        //letter g
        if (keyCode == 71) {
        //letter h
        if (keyCode == 72) {
        //letter c
        if (keyCode == 67) {
        //letter v
        if (keyCode == 86) {
        //letter b
        if (keyCode == 66) {
        //letter n
        if (keyCode == 78) {
        //letter m
        if (keyCode == 77) {
        //letter i
        if (keyCode == 73) {
        //letter o
        if (keyCode == 79) {
        //letter p
        if (keyCode == 80) {

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NatalieKS-LookingOutwards-12 Sun, 19 Nov 2017 00:26:37 +0000 Continue reading "NatalieKS-LookingOutwards-12"]]>

Since my project is a sound-based DJ-type game, I searched for other games that are similar in terms of building and creating music. I’ve already talked about Patatap in a previous Looking Outwards (my very first one – almost like I’ve come full circle!), but it isn’t as close to my idea as I’d like it to be. So, I searched for other things that were more music-based and had more of a DJ feel rather than something freeform. In doing so, I found Incredibox and Beatmaker.



A video showing one of the most popular songs created with Incredibox.


Incredibox is a music app and site where the player can create a song by managing a band of people. You can drag icons – various types of clothing or symbols – from the bottom bar and place them on each person, which each icon producing a unique sound. Each sound can either be percussion, instruments, voices, or sound effects, and combining these various sounds can create really cool and unique mixes. The project was initially released in 2009 by French company So Far So Good, a company composed of a trio of friends named Romain, Paul, and Allan. What I really admire about this project, and what really inspired me was the actual sounds the player can work with. It’s a good range of sounds that includes both music-related (like instruments and percussion) as well as some sound effects, and they all work really well together. Even though you can combine any of these in any order, they are still cohesive and maintain the same rhythm. The one thing about this game is that you can only play a limited number of sounds at a time, and each sound is limited to a select number of options. As amazing as the game is, it is limited in what is available to use (but that hasn’t stopped people from creating really awesome music!).



A video showing an example of what you can do with Beatmaker. (Sorry about the title of the video, videos were few and far between!!)


Beatmaker, on the other hand, is exactly what’s named: a beat maker. It is less of a game and more like a DJ-oriented music production site. There are 8+ channels for various types of instruments, and the user can click on each row to fill in space to indicate beats and play the instruments. The user can edit the track, and utilize the full library of samples Splice has available, resulting in an enormous range of possible beats and sounds. I really admire the versatility and functionality of this project. It is easy to use and figure out, and there are tons of different tones and types of sounds you can use to create something really cool. Although it does have this wide range of sounds, it is mostly focused on the EDM/electronic pop genre of music, and I think there’s untapped potential to utilize sounds and instruments from other genres as well! The website was created by company Splice, which was founded by Matt Aimonetti and Steve Martocci.

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NatalieKS-Project12-Proposal Sat, 18 Nov 2017 23:18:33 +0000 Continue reading "NatalieKS-Project12-Proposal"]]>

A quick sketch of what my final project would look like.


For my project, I want to create a sound-based game. The premise of the game is that you’re creating a piece by pressing the keys for three judges, who will then judge you based off your creation. Kind of almost like a DJ version of American idol! After your piece is over, the three judges will randomly display an expression – impressed/wowed, ambivalent, or disappointed, and will say something about your piece depending on what that expression is. It will be similar to Patatap in that you can press keys to produce sounds, but they will all be more music-related (but not just simple notes) rather than a mix of all kinds of sounds. In addition, each sound will have its own little symbol, and move across a music staff so it looks like you’re generating music as you play. The ending of your piece will be determined by time; you’ll have about 15 or 30 seconds to play your piece, and then it’ll end. (This is subject to change; if I can’t make this work, then it’ll be based off of 15 or 30 key presses). The judges will have a thinking expression until the very end, so it looks like they’re reacting in real-time.


Proposal Followup: the “judging” will most likely be random, i.e. after the song is over, they will randomly display one of maybe 3 or 5 expressions to “judge”

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NatalieKS-Project-11 Sat, 11 Nov 2017 02:12:42 +0000 Continue reading "NatalieKS-Project-11"]]>


//Natalie Schmidt
//Section D

//coordinates for the falling snowflakes
//adapted from code here:
var position = {
    x: 133,
    y: 68
//to help move the snowflakes
var gravity = 1;

//--------TURTLE FUNCTIONS-------
function turtleLeft(d) {
    this.angle -= d;

function turtleRight(d) {
    this.angle += d;

function turtleForward(p) {
    var rad = radians(this.angle);
    var newx = this.x + cos(rad) * p;
    var newy = this.y + sin(rad) * p;
    this.goto(newx, newy);

function turtleBack(p) {

function turtlePenDown() {
    this.penIsDown = true;

function turtlePenUp() {
    this.penIsDown = false;

function turtleGoTo(x, y) {
    if (this.penIsDown) {
      line(this.x, this.y, x, y);
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;

function turtleDistTo(x, y) {
    return sqrt(sq(this.x - x) + sq(this.y - y));

function turtleAngleTo(x, y) {
    var absAngle = degrees(atan2(y - this.y, x - this.x));
    var angle = ((absAngle - this.angle) + 360) % 360.0;
    return angle;

function turtleTurnToward(x, y, d) {
    var angle = this.angleTo(x, y);
    if (angle < 180) {
        this.angle += d;
    } else {
        this.angle -= d;

function turtleSetColor(c) {
    this.color = c;

function turtleSetWeight(w) {
    this.weight = w;

function turtleFace(angle) {
    this.angle = angle;

function makeTurtle(tx, ty) {
    var turtle = {x: tx, y: ty,
                  angle: 0.0,
                  penIsDown: true,
                  color: color(128),
                  weight: 1,
                  left: turtleLeft, right: turtleRight,
                  forward: turtleForward, back: turtleBack,
                  penDown: turtlePenDown, penUp: turtlePenUp,
                  goto: turtleGoTo, angleto: turtleAngleTo,
                  turnToward: turtleTurnToward,
                  distanceTo: turtleDistTo, angleTo: turtleAngleTo,
                  setColor: turtleSetColor, setWeight: turtleSetWeight,
                  face: turtleFace};
    return turtle;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 480);
    background(138, 172, 224);

function draw() {
    //create the snowflakes in the background
    var transparency = random(10, 255);
    fill(255, transparency);
    position.x = random(0, width);
    position.y = random(0, 400);
    ellipse(position.x, position.y, 5, 5);
    //left snow hill
    ellipse(0, height, 300, 300);
    //right snow hill
    ellipse(width, height, 300, 300);
    //left middle snow hill
    ellipse(175, height, 200, 200);
    //right middle snow hill
    ellipse(300, height, 250, 250);


function mousePressed() {
  var posY = mouseY;
  //set the snowflake
  var snowflake1 = makeTurtle(mouseX, posY);
  posY += 1;

//draw snowflakes; used the turtle graphics template from the
//Turtle Graphics page on the website
      for (var i = 0; i < 200; i++) {

          if (i % 30 == 0) {

For this project, I was inspired by something that happened today: it snowed! Well, barely, but I was still really excited. I started playing around with the turtle, moving it forward and right and such to see what kind of shape it would give me, and I ended up with a snowflake-like shape. I really like the outcome of this project, I think the background with the snowflake-turtle looks really pretty! As time goes on, the background will be (almost) completely filled by the background “snowflakes,” so it looks like a snowstorm.

Here is what it looks like after some time:

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NatalieKS-LookingOutwards-11 Fri, 10 Nov 2017 23:22:27 +0000 Continue reading "NatalieKS-LookingOutwards-11"]]>

This is a video of a performance using The Reactable in Turin, Italy, 2009.

The Reactable is an electronic instrument created in 2003 by a research team in Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona, Spain. The system has an interactive interface, where players can place and move objects. These objects, when placed on the interface and connected to other objects, play different sounds. The instrument utilizes the various sound waves and synthesizers connected to the objects to display the sounds on the interface. By moving and reconnecting different objects together, players can create unique compositions of various sounds. While I’m not sure specifically what algorithms the researchers used, I understand they utilized samples and soundbites and programmed physical objects to be able to interact with and produce those sounds.

This product is especially cool because it is a new instrument. You can use it to create songs or sound effects, and the multi-purpose aspects of it make it really accessible and fun. I love how it is first-and-foremost designed to entertain, and how user-focused it is. Not only does it feature an interesting set of sounds and controls, it utilizes those sounds to create a visual composition upon the interface.

Fun Fact: Icelandic musician Björk incorporated this instrument into her world tour performances in 2008-2009.

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NatalieKS-Project10 Sat, 04 Nov 2017 03:22:06 +0000 Continue reading "NatalieKS-Project10"]]>


//Natalie Schmidt
//Section D
//Project-10-Generative Landscape

var terrainSpeed = 0.0005;
var terrainDetail = 0.005;
//x position of rock
var rx = 470;
//y position of rock
var ry = 280;
//array to store all the rainbow rocks
var clouds = [];

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 300);
//load the clouds ito the array
//code came from example
    for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        var rx = random(width);
        clouds[i] = makeClouds(rx);

function draw() {
    background(32, 46, 71);
    //draw clouds - came from example
    //draw the moon
    fill(255, 255, 255, 220);
    ellipse(30, 30, 40);
    //draw the terrains
    for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) {
        var t = (x * terrainDetail) + (millis() * terrainSpeed);
        var y = map(noise(t), 0,1, 10, height);
        //create 2 terrains so it looks dimensional
        vertex(x, y);
        vertex(x + 10, y);
        //fill the terrain with lines
        stroke(47, 73, 121, 80);
        line(x, y, x, height);
//draw the "horizon"
    fill(32, 46, 71, 90);
    rect(0, 255, width, 45);
//draw the rocks

// if they disappear off screen, enter again
// from the right
    if (rx + 195 < 0) {
        rx = width;
    else {
        rx -= 8;


//draw the first stack of rocks
function rainbowRock1() {
    ellipse(rx, ry, 35, 30);
    fill(0, 0, 255);
    ellipse(rx, ry - 14, 35, 30);
    fill(236, 223, 21);
    ellipse(rx, ry - 28, 35, 30);
    ellipse(rx, ry - 42, 35, 30);
    fill(255, 0, 0);
    ellipse(rx, ry - 56, 35, 30);

//draw the second stack
function rainbowRock2() {
    fill(21, 112, 49);
    ellipse(rx + 70, ry, 35, 30);
    fill(177, 157, 120);
    ellipse(rx + 70, ry - 14, 35, 30);
    ellipse(rx + 70, ry - 28, 35, 30);
    fill(114, 113, 108);
    ellipse(rx + 70, ry - 42, 35, 30);
    fill(0, 0, 255);
    ellipse(rx + 70, ry - 56, 35, 30);

//draw third stack
function rainbowRock3() {
    fill(161, 52, 116);
    ellipse(rx + 110, ry, 35, 30);
    fill(255, 113, 151);
    ellipse(rx + 110, ry - 14, 35, 30);
    fill(255, 0, 0);
    ellipse(rx + 110, ry - 28, 35, 30);
    fill(255, 107, 59);
    ellipse(rx + 110, ry - 42, 35, 30);
    fill(216, 208, 28);
    ellipse(rx + 110, ry - 56, 35, 30);
    fill(14, 97, 36);
    ellipse(rx + 110, ry - 70, 35, 30);

//draw fourth stack
function rainbowRock4() {
    fill(213, 180, 30);
    ellipse(rx + 160, ry, 35, 30);
    fill(255, 107, 59);
    ellipse(rx + 160, ry - 14, 35, 30);
    fill(255, 0, 0);
    ellipse(rx + 160, ry - 28, 35, 30);
    fill(255, 97, 139);
    ellipse(rx + 160, ry - 42, 35, 30);

//draw fifth stack
function rainbowRock5() {
    fill(255, 97, 139);
    ellipse(rx + 220, ry, 35, 30);
    fill(209, 198, 174);
    ellipse(rx + 220, ry - 14, 35, 30);
    fill(0, 0, 255);
    ellipse(rx + 220, ry - 28, 35, 30);
    fill(213, 180, 30);
    ellipse(rx + 220, ry - 42, 35, 30);

//draw sixth stack
function rainbowRock6() {
    fill(157, 150, 130);
    ellipse(rx + 260, ry, 35, 30);
    ellipse(rx + 260, ry - 14, 35, 30);
    fill(179, 31, 109);
    ellipse(rx + 260, ry - 28, 35, 30);

//draw seventh stack
function rainbowRock7() {
    fill(255, 0, 0);
    ellipse(rx + 310, ry, 35, 30);
    fill(179, 31, 109);
    ellipse(rx + 310, ry - 14, 35, 30);
    fill(0, 0, 255);
    ellipse(rx + 310, ry - 28, 35, 30);
    fill(14, 97, 36);
    ellipse(rx + 310, ry - 42, 35, 30);
    fill(217, 199, 33);
    ellipse(rx + 310, ry - 56, 35, 30);
    fill(255, 80, 49);
    ellipse(rx + 310, ry - 70, 35, 30);

//code below comes from example, modified to make clouds
//instead of buildings
function updateAndDisplayClouds() {
    for (var i = 0; i < clouds.length; i++) {

function removeCloudsThatHaveSlippedOutOfView() {
    var cloudsToKeep = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < clouds.length; i++) {
        if (clouds[i].x + clouds[i].breadth > 0) {
    clouds = cloudsToKeep;

function addNewCloudsWithSomeRandomProbability() {
    var newCloudsLikelihood = 0.20;
    if (random(0, 1) < newCloudsLikelihood) {

function cloudsMove() {
    this.x += this.speed;

function cloudsDisplay() {
    var floorHeight = 10;
    var bHeight = this.nFloors * floorHeight;
    fill(66, 69, 85, 100);
    translate(this.x, height - 40);
    ellipse(0, -bHeight - 115, bHeight, this.breadth);

function makeClouds(birthLocationX) {
    var cloud = {x: birthLocationX,
                breadth: 50,
                speed: -5.0,
                nFloors: round(random(5, 12)),
                move: cloudsMove,
                display: cloudsDisplay}
     return cloud;

This project was really rough. I had a hard time using objects for this particular assignment, so I couldn’t really implement what I originally wanted. I’m okay with the final product, but it is a very simplified version of what I originally intended to make. I wish I had a better understanding of these functions, so I could better use them for my own purposes.

Here’s my original idea sketched out on paper:

Here’s also where my inspiration came from:

These are the “Seven Magic Mountains,” an installation in Nevada somewhere by the highway to Las Vegas. My family and I have driven from home (California) to Las Vegas several times, and we always pass by these enormous, brightly statues.

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NatalieKS-LookingOutwards-10 Sat, 28 Oct 2017 22:48:17 +0000 Continue reading "NatalieKS-LookingOutwards-10"]]>

This is a video of the process of creating NEUROTiQ.


NEUROTiQ is a “brain animating” headpiece created by SENSOREE and designed by Kristin Neidlinger (augmented fashion designer and founder of SENSOREE). This headpiece is a knit fabric structure that is embedded with 3D printed neuron brain sensors (essentially EEG sensors), and uses those sensors to display the state of the brain through colored lights. Each of the colors represent a different emotion, and they are displayed in tandem with the brain waves of the wearer. This design premiered NYFW in 2014 at the 3D Print Show. This project is especially cool because it comes futuristic wearable fashion with technology, integrating the two seamlessly to create a beautiful piece of art. No only does it combine fashion with computer science, but also with cognitive psychology and human emotion. It’s a really unique piece, and presents a really exciting direction for future combinations of technology and fashion.

The designer, Kristin Niedlinger, is a future concepts designer. She has a background in dance, new media, and in physical therapy as a Dance Medicine specialist, and studied at California College of the Arts. She created SENSOREE as Therapeutic Biomedia, to create wearable pieces to augment “Sensory Processing Disorder.” By taking human experiences of this disorder and combing technology and fashion, she highlights a state of mind not usually seen in mainstream media.

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NatalieKS-Project-09 Sat, 28 Oct 2017 22:03:51 +0000 Continue reading "NatalieKS-Project-09"]]>


//Natalie Schmidt
//Section D

var backgroundImage;

//preload the underlying image
function preload() {
    var Natalie = [""];
    backgroundImage = loadImage(Natalie);

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 480);
    background(246, 234, 188);
    //load the pixels of the image

function draw() {
//based off of example code
    var px = random(width);
    var py = random(height);
    var ix = constrain(floor(px), 0, width - 1);
    var iy = constrain(floor(py), 0, height - 1);
    //vary the transparecny based on mouseX position
    var transparency = map(mouseX, width/3, width - width/3, 40, 70);
    //egt the color of the pixels, and make them semi-transparent
    var imageColor = [red(backgroundImage.get(ix, iy)),
        green(backgroundImage.get(ix, iy)),
        blue(backgroundImage.get(ix, iy)), transparency];
//draw the suns
    sun(px, py);

function sun(x, y) {
    ellipse(x, y, 15, 15);
    // bottom middle
    triangle(x - 3, y + 15/2 + 2, x, y + 15/2 + 5,
        x + 3, y + 15/2 + 2);
    //top middle
    triangle(x - 3, y - 15/2 - 2, x , y - 15/2 - 5,
        x + 3, y - 15/2 - 2);
    //left middle
    triangle(x - 15/2 - 2, y - 3, x - 15/2 - 5, y,
        x - 15/2 - 2, y + 3);
    //right middle
    triangle(x + 15/2 + 2, y - 3, x + 15/2 + 5, y,
        x + 15/2 + 2, y + 3);

Since the original photo had a lot of sunlight and light glares in it, I wanted to use a sun to help draw the image. In order to give it a little bit more dimension, I varied the transparency of the sun depending on the position of the mouse. I feel like the varying transparency also added a really nice softness ad warmth to the image, just like golden hour sunlight. I really like pointillism as an art style, so it was fun to try and re-create it for a self-portrait.

The Process:

Here’s the original:

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NatalieKS-LookingOutwards-09 Fri, 27 Oct 2017 23:57:06 +0000 Continue reading "NatalieKS-LookingOutwards-09"]]>

I was browsing through the Looking Outwards posts for Week 7, because I was interested in learning about other examples of computational information visualization. One really interesting post I found was from my friend Christopher Reyes, which featured a short movie made by Red Bull in collaboration with design firm CLEVER°FRANKE and fashion brand Byborre.

I agree that this kind of constant visual feedback is engaging and effective. I can also see how it can positively influence clubgoers’ experiences, especially with the real-time animations being projected around them in the club. One of the aspects about this that I find notable is the fact that it’s sponsored by Red Bull. More and more big companies are branching out into these new forms of data visualization, and it’s exciting to see how each company is using these forms. Especially in this case, where the data, the clubgoers’ excitement, was being directly influenced by Red Bull’s products. It’ll be interesting to see how companies further manipulate and visualize data to reach broader audiences and achieve better marketing.

Here are videos of the original work:

Red Bull at Night x ByBORRE – The Sixth Sense – Case movie from CLEVER FRANKE on Vimeo.

Red Bull visualizations summary of screencast from CLEVER FRANKE on Vimeo.

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NatalieKS-LookingOutwards-08 Sat, 14 Oct 2017 23:55:06 +0000 Continue reading "NatalieKS-LookingOutwards-08"]]>

Eyeo 2015 – Jesse Louis-Rosenburg and Jessica Rosenkrantz from Eyeo Festival // INSTINT on Vimeo.

The duo Jessica Rosenkrantz and Jesse Louis-Rosenberg founded Nervous System in 2007, when the two were still in school. Jessica studied biology and architecture at MIT and Harvard Graduate School of Design, and Jesse studied math and computer science at MIT. The duo are based in Somerville, MA. They describe their philosophy as “digital gardening”; rather than cultivate plants, they cultivate algorithms, and they breed systems with their own innate behaviors which they can manipulate and sculpt. They also focus on three areas of research: science & nature, digital fabrication, and co-creation. During their presentation, they employed a large number of visuals and spoke very clearly, so that everyone would be able to understand their work.

There is a lot of emphasis on studying how patterns and forms emerge in nature, and how new technology in digital fabrication can generate these patterns. They mostly study organic forms and patterns, which I really admire. They try to create these organic forms through innovative digital fabrication, giving rise to new textiles for potential products. It’s really fascinating how they use nature and biology to computationally create unique forms.

One project of theirs I especially love is Floraform, which studies and generates differential growth seen in plants. Patterns in nature are always something I have been interested in, and seeing them generated through computation is especially cool.

florescence ornata 2

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