Team: Dani, Eva, Nico, Rebecca Our idea revolves around exploring the changing of the seasons with an emphasis on Spring and Summer. We open with the end of Winter by showing the bridge in white to represent snow, and having it slowly melt into spring. We then have bright Spring flowers popping up as the
Continue reading Final Show | Seasons
Category: Student Work
Student posts: exercise results, project proposals, project reports.
Final Presentation: Andy Warhol Appreciation
Jessica WinwardDiego San Miguel Chloe Cho
Team Members: Spencer Bowman, Jina Lee, Jonathan Li, Shalini Rao Our project takes the audience on a journey through space. We take off, travel through all the planets, and experience an explosive ending. Galactic brings the night sky down to Pittsburgh in an interpretive and an expressive way.
Assignment 4 | Seasons
Team members: Daniela, Eva, Nico, Rebecca Here is the link to our testing video. There are three main sections to the video: waves, lightning, and snow melting into spring. Our main goals were to see how the effects worked or didn’t work, and if the colors were matching our expectations.
Assignment 4 | Emotions
Team Members: Douglas, Amanda Below are the live demo we created for Happiness, Disgust and Anger.
Assignment 4 | Space Team
This is a small snippet of our final product. It includes the scenes of taking off, seeing the sun (note the solar flares), and the Earth with an orbiting moon.
Assignment 4: Andy Warhol Appreciation
Diego San MiguelJessica WinwardChloe Cho
Assignment 3 | Space Team
For this project, we will use Python and Aftereffects as our main methods of programming. We have decided to use the two methods due to various background levels. Because our theme is about space, we want to evoke the feeling of adventure and curiosity as you explore the planets. There will be strobes of color
Continue reading Assignment 3 | Space Team
Assignment 3 | Douglas, Amanda
For this project, we’re planning to use Pharos to program the bridge. Our theme is emotions where we’ll display six emotions: Happiness, Sadness, Fear, Disgust, Anger, and Surprise. The transition between emotions will be smooth hue shifts which blend color from previous emotion to the next. Proof-of-concepts Anger: Starting with colors like red, orange and
Continue reading Assignment 3 | Douglas, Amanda
Assignment 3 | Eva, Nico, Dani, Rebecca
We are planning to use Pharos as our method of programming the bridge. If we find that we require some more complicated effects that aren’t achievable with Pharos, we will use the python method. Our theme revolves around the theme of seasons with main emphasis on Spring and Summer. We want to evoke feelings of
Continue reading Assignment 3 | Eva, Nico, Dani, Rebecca