For this project, we will use Python and Aftereffects as our main methods of programming. We have decided to use the two methods due to various background levels. Because our theme is about space, we want to evoke the feeling of adventure and curiosity as you explore the planets. There will be strobes of color that are vibrant and fun.
Our main sections:
- Taking off: The lights turn on and then a strobe of colors go through to signify the rocket taking off.
- Stars Streaking: There will be a transition where the stars will start to glimmer and then the sun will appear.
- Sun: The solar flare will start with the center of the bridge
- Taking Off
- Start off with no lights
- Streak of red, blue, and black will appear to represent the rocket ship
- You can see the background changing from blue (Earth) to black when it has reached outer space
- Each of the planets
- Mercury
- Venus
- Earth

- Mars

- Jupiter
- Saturn

- Uranus
- Neptune
- Pluto
- Climax
- Starting from when Pluto is shown as a single light in the distance
- It slowly grows bigger and moves toward the center
- Eventually it explodes in a big flash of white and then rainbow
- Fade to Black
- Given the linear fashion in which the lights are assembled, how should we mimic the rounded shape of the planets? Or do we leave it abstract?