Group 1 Storyboard

Ariel, Bhavesh, Elisa, Rong, Sajal, Steven

Concept Description

Our show steps through American decades in music, starting from the 1920s. Set to a medley of iconic hits from each era, we want to theme our lighting design to evoke the historical atmosphere surrounding the highlights of how we remember our past, such as the Jazz Age of the 20s or the hippies of the 60s. Beyond providing a retrospective on history, our finale offers a take on the future by not only predicting what 2020’s hits may sound like, but also taking a stand on climate change and other global issues we face in the near future. Iconic protest songs will be selected throughout our decades medley to establish this theme historically, which we tie back to at the end to demonstrate we are a continuation of this legacy.


Vision Boards:

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