Author Archives: kschaer

Final Project – Computer Vision Sampler
The Team Kaitlin Schaer & Marc-Daniel Julien Introduction In our computer vision music sampler, we sought to create a physical interface that would allow the user to explore a song in a new way. Using computer vision software, a webcam, a

Final Project – Computer Vision Sampler
The Team Kaitlin Schaer & Marc-Daniel Julien Introduction In our computer vision music sampler, we sought to create a physical interface that would allow the user to explore a song in a new way. Using computer vision software, a webcam, a

Final Project Sketch – Computer Vision Block Synthesizer
Team members: Marc Julien, Kaitlin Schaer Our idea for the physical computing final project is to build a computer vision synthesizer toy. Using the Open CV python libraries, and a virtual midi synthesizer, we will create a product that

Final Project Sketch – Computer Vision Block Synthesizer
Team members: Marc Julien, Kaitlin Schaer Our idea for the physical computing final project is to build a computer vision synthesizer toy. Using the Open CV python libraries, and a virtual midi synthesizer, we will create a product that

Autonomous Robot Part 3 – High-Five Bots
The Team Kaitlin Schaer, Rachel Ciavarella Introduction In our exploration of robot autonomy, we wished to create two simple robots that could engage in basic conversation with one another. We chose to do this through the motion of the high-five.

Autonomous Robot Part 3 – High-Five Bots
The Team Kaitlin Schaer, Rachel Ciavarella Introduction In our exploration of robot autonomy, we wished to create two simple robots that could engage in basic conversation with one another. We chose to do this through the motion of the high-five.

1B – Arduino Project – Perry the Predator Pillow
The Team Kaitlin Schaer as scribe; Bryan Gardiner as tutor; Ruben Markowitz as designer; Anna Failla as integrator Introduction In a time where the logistics of sleep can be all too much to handle, there is a solution! There is a

1B – Arduino Project – Perry the Predator Pillow
The Team Kaitlin Schaer as scribe; Bryan Gardiner as tutor; Ruben Markowitz as designer; Anna Failla as integrator Introduction In a time where the logistics of sleep can be all too much to handle, there is a solution! There is a