Day Twenty-Three
Agenda quick poll of interest in other specific IDeATe courses: HMV, PhysComp Studio, Experiential Media would HMV potentially be better at Tue-Thu 10:00-11:20 (no promises)? Ideation Assignment finite-state machine introduction cleanup! Details: The new finite-state machine exercises are now in
Day Twenty-Three
Agenda quick poll of interest in other specific IDeATe courses: HMV, PhysComp Studio, Experiential Media would HMV potentially be better at Tue-Thu 10:00-11:20 (no promises)? Ideation Assignment finite-state machine introduction cleanup! Details: The new finite-state machine exercises are now in
Day Seventeen
Engineering Design Review: Autonomous Machine Today we are reviewing prototype designs for the assignment and reflecting on the meanings of autonomy. Deliverables for today: Revise the mechanical design on paper. Sketch the basic electronic design on paper. Write two-sentence description of
Day Seventeen
Engineering Design Review: Autonomous Machine Today we are reviewing prototype designs for the assignment and reflecting on the meanings of autonomy. Deliverables for today: Revise the mechanical design on paper. Sketch the basic electronic design on paper. Write two-sentence description of
Day Fifteen
Agenda Rhino overview SolidWorks overview discussion of technical assignment work time: RPi, SW, design, etc. SolidWorks demo materials: Proposal for a Technical Assignment It’s possible to breadboard an illustrative circuit in five minutes, but less possible for mechanical
Day Fifteen
Agenda Rhino overview SolidWorks overview discussion of technical assignment work time: RPi, SW, design, etc. SolidWorks demo materials: Proposal for a Technical Assignment It’s possible to breadboard an illustrative circuit in five minutes, but less possible for mechanical
Day Eleven
Agenda Roll call: what is one word describing your project idea? Parts order status. Cluster laptops and equipment problems. Schedule adjustments. Reflections on iterative design. Group adjustments. Scheduling in-class meetings.
Day Eleven
Agenda Roll call: what is one word describing your project idea? Parts order status. Cluster laptops and equipment problems. Schedule adjustments. Reflections on iterative design. Group adjustments. Scheduling in-class meetings.
Day Ten
Be sure that you have the latest version of the course materials; they are constantly changing. Be sure not to run the Arduino IDE and an Arduino-based Pure Data patch at the same time; they will compete for the serial
Day Nine
Agenda Test your ID card in lock before end of class Schedule changes Pd exercises Git hint: for a read-only checkout of the course materials, you can skip the history, which will save space and go faster: git clone –depth
Day Six
Agenda Git? Ethernet? Arduino exercises Quick project idea review Due date in one week: Mon, Sep 22, Arduino one-in-one-out The Pololu A4988 module is a newer, compatible replacement for the A4983 module used in the stepper motor exercise. The A4988
Day Six
Agenda Git? Ethernet? Arduino exercises Quick project idea review Due date in one week: Mon, Sep 22, Arduino one-in-one-out The Pololu A4988 module is a newer, compatible replacement for the A4983 module used in the stepper motor exercise. The A4988

Day Four
Agenda creative constraints assignment due Wed at 6:30AM work time Notes from last class. Many projects are facing the problem of amplifying or inverting an analog sensor signal to match the requirements of an analog actuator output. A versatile solution

Day Four
Agenda creative constraints assignment due Wed at 6:30AM work time Notes from last class. Many projects are facing the problem of amplifying or inverting an analog sensor signal to match the requirements of an analog actuator output. A versatile solution

Day Three
Agenda Welcome back! Introduce the first assignment, due Sep 10 Show the sample project(s). Show the example deliverable. Be sure to observe formatting so the blog looks consistent across your results. Form or confirm first project groups by end of

Day Three
Agenda Welcome back! Introduce the first assignment, due Sep 10 Show the sample project(s). Show the example deliverable. Be sure to observe formatting so the blog looks consistent across your results. Form or confirm first project groups by end of