I first observed the three years old kids. The children were doing activities with the guidance of two teachers. The first activity they did was remembering the names of their peers. The teachers arranged the activity using a wire to connect the children. The children will pass the wire along and say the name of the child next to them out loud. Aside from that, the teacher made the activity in the context of a spider story, making the analogy that the wire is the web of a spider. This method has successfully attracted the attention of the children and make them actively involved.  Some children also exhibit the “Initiative” phase of child development, by trying to add more story to the activity. For example, one little girl said that the spider was angry when someone couldn’t answer the name.

The second activity they did is drawing. This is one activity where the divergence of interest appeared. Some kids are very interested in drawings while the others didn’t, starting to randomly draw on the paper and look at elsewhere while drawing. This implies that our design might not appeal to all the kids since even though the children are young, they already exhibit individual interests.

I then observed the children doing activities in the playground outdoor. Some older children (kindergarten) showed some “industry” characteristics. They waved to me while riding the bike at different speed. I think they were trying to show me what they can accomplish by doing that.