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Ronit’s school observation notes

The second room I visited was a workshop where children were building something that resembled a cross, although a I was reassured very convincingly by a 4-year old…

“Making Things Magic” Project Proposal – Leah and Kirman

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Children’s School Observation – Connor

During the visit to the Kindergarten room, the children were going around to different stations to complete an activity. One of the activities that seemed to create a…

cwcolomb – Children’s Museum Observation

Ball Track around Perimeter of Garage Room Often those most interested in the ball track were the youngest kids, seemingly two to three years of age, with a…

Children’s School – Oliver Terrell

When we first walked into the room with 4th graders, the kids were watching a line diagram across a projector screen. The line would form shapes as it…

jkufro Children’s School Observation Notes

In the first room I visited at the Children’s school there were four year old students creating their own airplanes. This was done with two planks of wood…

Interactive Laser Harp – Nick & Sora

Overview This installation consists of a laser harp that plays sound when a laser is broken by physical intervention. There may be an option to make the lasers…

Tilting maze – Henry Zhang / Denise Li

Narrative Description: The name is tilting maze. This device let children control the motion of a table to move in different directions and solve a maze. The children…

Garage orchestra

Title: Garage Orchestra Short Summary: The product is a position sensing baton that “activates” when pointed at mockups of various musical instruments. The mockups will have LEDs that…

Misty Maze – Connor and Michael

Summary: The Misty Maze is a wondrous interactive experience where the user attempts to redirect laserbeams to specific targets using adjustable mirrored blocks.The “laser obstacle course” will be…