Hagan Miller

This is the first iteration that I had created. My original intent was to have it rock back and forth with a ball on top and have the ball roll over the mound. However, the mound was too big for the ball to move over the mound.
This was my second iteration after the mound was discovered to be to big. However, the ball would this time be able to ascend the mound but then fall from the side before it finished going across.
This is my most recent iteration in which the ball would have a bit more room to travel before reaching the mound. This time I also used a semi-lighter ball of foam to fit within the ring.
Video of the roller.
#include <Servo.h&gt;

//Hagan Miller
Servo Rocker;
void setup()

void loop()



This is the code that I used to snap the roller back and forth. I tried to set it so that the machine caught itself on the way down and did not allow the wheel to roll off of the table.