Controllable Swinger
The purpose of my project is too add intractability to my Demo 1. There are five LTH-1550 photoreflective sensors glued unto a board and the user can move their hand over the board and control the position of the servo, allowing the ball to move!
I initially wanted to swing the board with the servo and have it balance the ball in the middle of the board with a PD controller, but unfortunately the ball wasn’t being recognized by the sensors and I was unable to find another, less opaque ball. 🙁 Out of time and out of luck, I revamped my idea to just control the servo with swipes. And it works pretty well!
#include <Servo.h> const int SENSOR_PIN1 = 7; const int SENSOR_PIN2 = 6; const int SENSOR_PIN3 = 5; const int SENSOR_PIN4 = 4; const int SENSOR_PIN5 = 3; const int SERVO_PIN = 9; Servo svo; void setup() { pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); svo.attach(SERVO_PIN); } void loop() { short val1 = digitalRead(SENSOR_PIN1); short val2 = digitalRead(SENSOR_PIN2); short val3 = digitalRead(SENSOR_PIN3); short val4 = digitalRead(SENSOR_PIN4); short val5 = digitalRead(SENSOR_PIN5); if (val1) { svo.write(20); } else if (val2) { svo.write(50); } else if (val3) { svo.write(80); } else if (val4) { svo.write(110); } else if (val5) { svo.write(140); } }
To improve this project, I would definitely add behaviors for the cases where multiple sensors are being activated. And maybe make a case to hide all my nasty wiring… 🙂
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