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Children’s School Observations – Omisa Jinsi

I found visiting the children’s school to be quite an informative and entertaining experience. It was interesting to observe kids interact with each other and their surroundings as…

Children’s School Observation – Caio Araujo

During our time at the school, I had the chance to observe children from all age groups they had, from 3 year olds to kindergartners. I sat down…

Children’s School Observation – Wenqing Yin

Observing children from a grown-up’s perspective was very interesting. I could definitely see myself while I was a child by observing them. There was one thing that left…

Children’s School Observations – Griffin Tang

I observed all three age groups, for the younger ones it was less free play and more circle activities. Speaking to the circle first, it was very clear…

Children’s School Observations – Julian Rojas Valvo

I observed children from all 3 age groups during our visit to the children’s school. One thing that stood out to me is that activities that either required…

Children’s School Observations – Xiang Luo

OVERALLI observed both the 3 and 5 year olds, but most of my observations were on the older children. INITIATIVESome of my favorite anecdotes from the Children’s School…

Children School Observations- Hagan Miller

I spent most of the time observing the 4-year-olds and the Kindergarten class. The four-year-olds had more displays of Autonomy and Initiative behavior, whereas the Kindergartners had displays…

Children’s School Observations – Halanna Yuh

What captivated children’s interests were activities where they were able to exercise their own creativity and had control over the final results. For example, they seemed most engaged…

Children’s School Observation – Katherine Nie

During the Children’s School visit, I observed children from all of the school’s age groups. However, I mostly stayed with the Kindergarten children because they had the opportunity…

Children’s School Observation: Edward Lu

Today, we visited CMU’s Children’s School and took notes on the behaviors of children. I noticed that the activities that held the most attention were those that the…