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Elevate V4

The goal of Elevate is to create a soothing and calming experience for the user, while also giving the user an indirect sense of companionship. Since the beginning…

Joystick Maze V3

Progress: More stable stands/base Slotted frames to ease rotation Finger joints for cleaner assembly Laser cut out of plywood (mix of 6mm and 1/8″) Bearings at pivots Our…

Elevate Prototype V3

In this version, we were able to build a working prototype of our Elevate table. The table was able to sense pressure applied to a top panel and…

Remote Lighting Prototype v3

This week we worked on the load cell portion of our project. We spent most of our time trying to troubleshoot. However, after spending time troubleshooting both together…

Flower Mask Prototype v3

In this version, we added black fabric to create a way for the flower to be held. Originally, we wanted to include a whole white rose, but the…

Handsfree Balance Maze :: V3 Prototype

Team: Yu Jiang & Max Kornyev Prototype Video Progress Made Remote support There is now a LISTEN_INCOMING_MESSAGES mode Two layers of filtering operations Smoothing the calculation outputs Heron’s…

Mona Lisa Testing

For this next phase we worked on getting the software and hardware connected. For the software Max finished the arduino code to set up 4 servos to move…

Joystick Maze Prototype V2

For this round of development, we added the floor of the maze and the joystick module to our 2 axis gimbal system. Adding the joystick allowed us to…

Remote Lighting Prototype

We worked on our wall mounting mechanism. A few photos are attached below. It took a surprisingly long time to make the boxes. Moving forward we’ve opted for…

Flower Mask Prototype v2

We added a cardboard rib to the top of the mask in order to hold and mount the servo. For this version, we also added the motion of…