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During the past week we continued to work on the code of the project. This next phase included setting up mqtt. We added code to connect the eye…
Maze Assembly During the past week, we laser cut and assembled the main structure. We also managed to tilt the board on two axes as intended using two…
We cut the pieces out of plywood for the table, 3-D printed some pieces, and completed the circuit. So far we only worked on one panel because we…
For our proof of concept, we focused on creating the 2 axis rotational system in which our maze would balance. There are two frames and each rotate about…
For our proof-of-concept, we decided to create the mask and demonstrate how the bottom jaw will open and close. The green wire frame will sit on the head…
For the prototype, we decided to try and create an one-eyed structure of how the eyes would operate. Due to a current limitation in supplies, we decided to…
Team: Yu Jiang & Max Kornyev Maze Frame 3D Design We created a CAD rendering of our basic maze design, which will be ready to be laser cut…
For our prototype we chose to create on of the panels from our table. In this prototype we were testing out the servo and how well the panel…
Our prototype as seen (below) consists of what will be a mounted servo connected to a wooden piece with the same range of motion as the servo. The…
Dillon Shu and Jack Rooney Our proof of concept, like the straightforward nature of our project, would simply be focused on the actual mechanism turning off the light….