In this project, we created wireframe masks mimicking plague masks from the 1700’s. They contain fake flower petals representing the safety that the mask gives the wearer because in history, dried flowers and herbs were placed in those beaks since doctors thought that the good smell would prevent them from getting sick. By creating an artistic expression of disease masks, our goal is to convey the importance of wearing masks during pandemics throughout history. In general, this project is meant to convey how although wearing masks has become a political issue, underlying this debate is the greater issue of everyone’s safety.
Aside from the obvious objective of creating the masks, we originally wanted both of them to open at the push of a button before defining our concept (to be portrayed in a video) more clearly. However, after deciding to make one person the one putting others in danger and the other person essentially a victim, our objectives changed drastically for both masks to be very different from each other. Eventually, we decided we wanted Brianna’s mask to be covered in black material, and the only one that would open and that Anya’s should be an open wireframe with the beak “closed”. The over-arching objective of this project was to create a video with these creations that clearly portray a concept that does not taking much context outside of the video.
As discussed in objectives, the implementation of these devices and design choices centered around portraying a very specific and clear concept in our video. In the video, as Brianna opens her mask to fight against the mandate for people to wear masks, Matilda (Anya’s housemate) and Brianna both lose the flower petals from their masks, signifying that even though Matilda kept her mask closed, both of them are in danger when Brianna doesn’t keep her mask on. After the argument that mandating masks is illegal is explained, Matilda responds with the argument as to why is it not illegal (through voiceover as well).
I think our video successfully conveys our concept because it shows how one person’s safety is affected by another person’s decision not to wear a mask during a pandemic. I think this concept is also introduced in a unique way, since it uses plague masks in the 1700s to get the message across. The visual differences in the mask also tie into the concept. Brianna’s wears a mask covered in black fabric, that she opens, putting herself and Matilda in danger, which suits her “character” who fights for their choice to wear a mask or not instead of protecting herself and others. However, the fact that her mask is covered in fabric also shows that even though she opens her mask, she is still more protected than Matilda (since other people wear masks and that makes her safer). However, Matilda is demonstrating a very bare wireframe mask that is closed, but clearly leaves a lot of open space. The fact that her mask is not covered helps convey how even though she is responsibly wearing a mask, she is left very vulnerable and in danger since Brianna opens her mask. One “failure” or weak point of our project in our opinion, is that the automation aspect of our project became more and more irrelevant while defining our concept. We still appreciate it in the project because it emphasizes how we have come a long way (in technology and our understanding of pandemics) yet we still don’t all wear masks, which even doctors in the 1700s knew to do (whether or not the right science backed it up), however I think that this part of the project and its purpose isn’t so emphasized or clear in the video.
Future Work
Like what was mentioned in outcomes, I think the presence of automation seems a little random in the video so for a future iteration, I think we would try to make it more clear as to how the mask being able to be opened by the press of a button contributes to the concept.
We created our own masks while consulting quite often to decide on design choices and how they would contribute to a final concept. We also created our own videos of our mask, which Anya put together using iMovie.
Photo Documentation
We just started with a very unclear purpose of just creating automated plague masks from the 1700’s, as seen from the initial drawings below.
We then started by creating a simple wireframe:
Then we hooked up a servo motor to open the bottom jaw so that it remains open as long as the button is pressed (on both of our first versions).
Then this is where our masks and objectives for the next steps started to vary. Brianna covered hers in black fabric and put a top hat on to create a more clear character and Anya remade hers into a more sleek wireframe design that would demonstrate the flower petals leaving with the mask closed. The final products can be seen in the video above.
The wire framework of the mask was originally inspired by various masks made by Eli Secrest. More of his work can be found in the following link: https://www.instagram.com/aerarius_metalworks/?hl=en
Code for getting the servo motor to open the jaw on Brianna’s mask:
const int SWITCH_PIN = 2; const int SERVO_PIN = 9; Servo svo; void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); pinMode(SWITCH_PIN, INPUT); svo.attach(SERVO_PIN); } void loop() { if (digitalRead(SWITCH_PIN) == HIGH){ svo.write(180); } else if (digitalRead(SWITCH_PIN) == LOW){ svo.write(0); } }
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