Day 7: (Wed Sep 21, Week 4) Introduction to Sensors and Motors

Notes for 2022-09-21.


  1. Current assignment, due Monday: Exercise: Marble Fidget Toy.

  2. Pending assignment: reading related to the Children’s School visit.


  1. Is everybody qualified for the laser cutter now?

  2. Has anyone tried submitting a 3D printer part yet?

  3. N.B. in one week we will be visiting the Children’s School during the class period.


  1. Quick check: please try opening Skylab to make sure your account works.

  2. Sensor show and tell.

  3. Cookbook electronics: the voltage divider circuit.

    • mechanical switches

    • photoresistors

    • photointerrupers

    • resistive force sensors

  4. Other sensor interfaces.

    • sonar

    • accelerometer

    • I2C and SPI

  5. H-Bridges and DC Motors

  6. Brief discussion of joinery (time permitting).

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