Kevin Thies, Marisa Lu, and Nick Richardson

The Chair is a character. Is it a chair that is scared, shy, or mischievous? Or is it some creature that has taken the form of a chair? Is it possessed?
These are left up to the viewer to decide.

It acts like a timid puppy; it follows people around behind their backs, but is skitterish and backs off once it is noticed and followed. The Chair doesn’t want to be sat on, running away or snapping closed if pursued. If someone manages to, it gives in, it sulks, pretends to give in to acting like a normal chair, but leaves the visitor with a sense of insecurity and suspense, because it may try to buck people off when they least expect it.

Without active human interaction though, the Chair is a social creature that tries to imitate the normal chairs around it, trying to conform to the ‘herd’. (and if we’re up to it, we can figure out how it ‘plays’ with the other chairs in the room)

(Some technical resources to possibly explore? Might include openPose for body detection in camera feed, different networking options like or, etc)

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