Day 3: (Tue Sep 7, Week 2) Modeling Juggling Robots

Notes for 2021-09-07.

Notes from Day 2

  1. A couple of students have benefited from looking at my pre-recorded lectures from Fall 2020. Many of them cover topics we are also discussing this year, some not.

  2. I am starting to schedule more routine office hour slots, see office hours information.

New Assignments

  1. New assignment, due in a week: Exercise: Juggling System Design.

  2. In general, when uploading a video or zip file, please include your name or Andrew ID in the title since I often download them all in bulk.


  1. Review assignment videos.

  2. Introduce next assignment.

  3. Juggling machine videos.

  4. Short breakout session. Each group should try to find several answers to the following questions:

    1. Brainstorm two ideas for a juggling performance system (machine + objects + environment).

    2. Do you imagine the result as predictable or involving uncertainty? Is the uncertainty deliberate?

  5. Demo and discussion of Webots robot modeling.

Words of the Day

Note: Non-Glossary

  1. control theory

  2. system, state

  3. open-loop, closed-loop

  4. stability, passive stability
