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I really liked Matthew’s idea of a dinner scene where a human performer is having dinner with a robot. I wanted to use this idea to explore loneliness…
As I was doing research on robotics, I found a new field of robotics called “necrobotics.” Researchers in this field converted the corpse of wolf spiders into grippers…
After watching a video of a living plant with machete, I thought of a plant that moves without help of external force. One of them is a prayer… This drawing robot will not steal your job. It draws layers on tracing paper, each layer with a different ink darkness to correspond to the area with…
I wanted to explore the idea of our innate desire to give social feelings towards animate objects and our need to be accepted and understood by similar social…
I came up with this idea when considering what kind of inputs a performer could give to a robot to make it a human-robot performance. A performer could…
We wanted to combine the rainbow paper spinner toy with an arrangement of mirrors like a mirror maze for this project. The light reflected by the mirrors and…
Our initial sketch idea was focused on translating rotational motion from the stepper motors to some sort of vertical motion. We wanted to try a mechanism similar to…
Our intention for this project was to create four different mechanisms that are attempting to knock over something in the middle without a clear purpose. Three of them…
Our performance is a commentary on the media and what it has been focusing on in recent times. We wanted to show the comparison between what is being…