Wobbly Robot Model

The wobbly robot model simulates a two-wheeled differential-drive mobile robot with a low center of gravity. The body is designed with enough ground clearance to tilt, but the low center of mass will wobble it back upright. The body includes a mast with two distance sensors, a radio receiver and emitter, GPS receiver for location, compass for heading, and three-axis accelerometer. Each wheel has both a rotational motor and a position sensor.

The shape is constructed entirely of primitive cylinders.The same geometry is referenced to use as bounding objects for collision and automatic calculation of physics parameters.

The user-accessible parameters include the wheel radius, axle length, body color, and wheel color. The kinematics, shape, and physics will parametrically scale, but the actuator parameters do not change.

This model is demonstrated in the wobbly-demo.wbt world.


Screenshot of Webots model of a diff-drive ‘wobbly’ robot with low center of gravity.

System Kinematics and Components

The bodies are as follows:






the core solid including counterweight, stalk, axle, and sensor disc

left wheel


left wheel disc, cylinder with parameterized radius

right wheel


right wheel disc, cylinder with parameterized radius

The joints are as follows:





(6DOF free)



mobile body; body +X axis is ‘forward’, +Z is ‘up’

left wheel


left wheel

rotational joint on axle, parameterized Z position

right wheel


right wheel

rotational joint on axle, parameterized Z position

The joint axes are as follows:




left wheel

along +Y

along axle; direction chosen so positive rotation moves forward

right wheel

along +Y

along axle; direction chosen so positive rotation moves forward

The motors and sensors are named as follows:



left wheel motor

RotationalMotor on left wheel

right wheel motor

RotationalMotor on right wheel

left wheel sensor

PositionSensor on left wheel

right wheel sensor

PositionSensor on right wheel


DistanceSensor near top of body, aimed left of enter


DistanceSensor near top of body, aimed right of center


GPS locator mounted on body in center of axle


compass mounted on body in center of axle


three-axis accelerometer mounted on body in center of axle


radio Receiver


radio Emitter


The robot model has been encapsulated in a .proto file for easy reuse. The model includes user-accessible scaling and color parameters.

  1#VRML_SIM R2022a utf8
  2# Two-wheeled differential-drive mobile robot with a low center of gravity.  The
  3# body is designed with enough ground clearance to tilt, but the low center of
  4# mass will wobble it back upright.  The body includes a mast with two distance
  5# sensors, a radio receiver and emitter, and a GPS receiver.  Each wheel has
  6# both a rotational motor and a position sensor. The shape is constructed
  7# entirely of primitive cylinders.
  8# documentation url: https://courses.ideate.cmu.edu/16-375
  9# license: No copyright, 2020-2022 Garth Zeglin.  This file is explicitly placed in the public domain.
 10PROTO wobbly [
 11  field SFVec3f    translation  0 0 0
 12  field SFRotation rotation     0 1 0 0
 13  field SFString   controller   "wobbly"
 14  field SFString   name         "Wobbly"
 15  field SFFloat    wheelRadius  0.1
 16  field SFFloat    axleLength   0.14
 17  field SFColor    bodyColor    0.0820075 0.364731 0.8
 18  field SFColor    wheelColor   1 0 0
 19  field SFString   customData   ""
 22  Robot {
 23    # connect properties to user-visible data fields
 24    translation IS translation
 25    rotation IS rotation
 26    controller IS controller
 27    name IS name
 28    customData IS customData
 30    # calculate derived parameters
 31    %{
 32      local counterweightHeight = fields.wheelRadius.value
 33      local counterweightOffset = 0.75*fields.wheelRadius.value
 34      local counterweightTop    = 1.25*fields.wheelRadius.value
 35      local sensorHeight        = 3*fields.wheelRadius.value
 36      local stalkHeight         = sensorHeight - counterweightTop
 37      local stalkOffset         = counterweightTop + 0.5*stalkHeight
 38    }%
 40    children [
 41      # The body group contains three cylinders: the massive counterweight at
 42      # bottom, a thin stalk rising above it, topped by the sensor disc.
 43      # All these shapes participate in collision; the axle is kept separate
 44      # as it is just for rendering.
 45      DEF bodyShape Group {
 46        children [
 47          # counterweight
 48          Transform {
 49            translation 0 0 %{= counterweightOffset }%
 50            rotation 1 0 0 0
 51            children [
 52              Shape {
 53                appearance DEF bodyAppearance PBRAppearance {
 54                  baseColor IS bodyColor
 55                  roughness 0.5
 56                  metalness 0.5
 57                }
 59                geometry Cylinder {
 60                  height %{= counterweightHeight }%
 61                  radius 0.05
 62                }
 63              }
 64            ]
 65          }
 66  	  # sensor disc
 67          Transform {
 68            translation 0 0 %{= sensorHeight }%
 69            rotation 1 0 0 0
 70            children [
 71              Shape {
 72                appearance USE bodyAppearance
 73                geometry Cylinder {
 74                  height 0.01
 75                  radius 0.025
 76                }
 77              }
 78            ]
 79          }
 80	  # stalk
 81          Transform {
 82            translation 0 0 %{= stalkOffset }%
 83            rotation 1 0 0 0
 84            children [
 85              Shape {
 86                appearance USE bodyAppearance
 87                geometry Cylinder {
 88                  height %{= stalkHeight }%
 89                  radius 0.01
 90                }
 91              }
 92            ]
 93          }
 94        ]
 95      }
 96      # Visible axle shape, not part of the boundingObject.
 97      DEF axleShape Transform {
 98        translation 0 0 %{= fields.wheelRadius.value }%
 99        rotation 1 0 0 1.5707963267948966
100        children [
101          Shape {
102            appearance USE bodyAppearance
103            geometry Cylinder {
104              height %{= fields.axleLength.value + 0.02 }%
105              radius 0.005
106            }
107          }
108        ]
109      }
110      # Define the left wheel axis, pointing in the +Y direction along the axle.
111      HingeJoint {
112        jointParameters HingeJointParameters {
113          axis 0 1 0
114          anchor 0 0 %{= fields.wheelRadius.value }%
115        }
116        device [
117          RotationalMotor {
118            name "left wheel motor"
119            acceleration 10
120            maxTorque 2
121          }
122          PositionSensor {
123            name "left wheel sensor"
124          }
125        ]
126	# Define the left wheel solid, offset along +Y along the axle.
127        endPoint DEF leftWheel Solid {
128          translation 0 %{= 0.5*fields.axleLength.value }% %{= fields.wheelRadius.value }%
129          rotation -1 0 0 1.5707963267948966
130          children [
131            # Define the left wheel shape and appearance, which is used by the right wheel solid.
132            DEF wheelShape Transform {
133              rotation 0 0 1 0
134              children [
135                Shape {
136                  appearance PBRAppearance {
137                    baseColor IS wheelColor
138                    roughness 0.5
139                    metalness 0.5
140                  }
141                  geometry Cylinder {
142                    height 0.01
143                    radius %{= fields.wheelRadius.value }%
144                  }
145                }
146              ]
147            }
148          ]
149          name "left wheel"
150          boundingObject USE wheelShape
151          physics DEF wheelPhysics Physics {
152            density 600
153          }
154        }
155      }
156      # Define the right wheel axis, also pointing in the +Y direction along the axle
157      # so positive wheel rotations will move forward.
158      HingeJoint {
159        jointParameters HingeJointParameters {
160          axis 0 1 0
161          anchor 0 0 %{= fields.wheelRadius.value }%
162        }
163        device [
164          RotationalMotor {
165            name "right wheel motor"
166            acceleration 10
167            maxTorque 2
168          }
169          PositionSensor {
170            name "right wheel sensor"
171          }
172        ]
173	# Define the right wheel solid, offset along -Y along the axle.
174	# The wheel shape is inherited from the left wheel.
175        endPoint DEF rightWheel Solid {
176          translation 0 %{= -0.5*fields.axleLength.value }% %{= fields.wheelRadius.value }%
177          rotation 1 0 0 1.5707963267948966
178          children [
179            USE wheelShape
180          ]
181          name "right wheel"
182          boundingObject USE wheelShape
183          physics USE wheelPhysics
184        }
185      }
186      # Define the two range sensors.  They are located on the sensor disc on
187      # top of the body stalk, each pointed off-axis by 1.0 radian.
188      DEF leftEyeSensor DistanceSensor {
189        translation 0.019 0.016 %{= sensorHeight }%
190        rotation 0 0 1 0.7
191        children [
192          DEF eyeShape Transform {
193            rotation 0 1 0 1.57
194            children [
195              Shape {
196                appearance PBRAppearance {
197                  baseColor 0.975691 0.981481 0.0252992
198                  roughness 0.5
199                  metalness 0.5
200                }
201                geometry Cylinder {
202                  height 0.004
203                  radius 0.005
204                }
205              }
206            ]
207          }
208        ]
209        name "leftDistanceSensor"
210        lookupTable [
211          0 0.025 0
212          1 1 0
213        ]
214        numberOfRays 2
215        aperture 0.4
216      }
217      DEF rightEyeSensor DistanceSensor {
218        translation 0.019 -0.016 %{= sensorHeight }%
219        rotation 0 0 1 -0.7
220        children [
221          USE eyeShape
222        ]
223        name "rightDistanceSensor"
224        lookupTable [
225          0 0.025 0
226          1 1 0
227        ]
228        numberOfRays 2
229        aperture 0.4
230      }
231      # add a default radio receiver and transmitter
232      Receiver {
233      }
234      Emitter {
235      }
236      # add a position-sensing 'GPS' device located at the center of the axle
237      GPS {
238        translation 0 0 %{= fields.wheelRadius.value }%
239      }
240      # add a rotation-sensing 'compass' returning only the X and Y components of the North vector
241      Compass {
242        zAxis FALSE
243      }
244      # add an accelerometer located at the center of the axle to measure both gravity and reactive forces
245      Accelerometer {
246        translation 0 0 %{= fields.wheelRadius.value }%
247      }
249    ] # close children list of Robot
250    boundingObject USE bodyShape
251    physics Physics {
252      density -1
253      mass 3
254    }
255  } # close Robot

Sample Control Code

  1# wobbly.py
  3# Sample Webots controller file for driving the wobbly diff-drive
  4# mobile robot.
  6# No copyright, 2020-2021, Garth Zeglin.  This file is
  7# explicitly placed in the public domain.
  9print("loading wobbly.py...")
 11# Import the Webots simulator API.
 12from controller import Robot
 14# Import standard Python libraries.
 15import math, random, time
 17# Define the time step in milliseconds between controller updates.
 18EVENT_LOOP_DT = 200
 21class Wobbly(Robot):
 22    def __init__(self):
 24        super(Wobbly, self).__init__()
 25        self.robot_name = self.getName()
 26        print("%s: controller connected." % (self.robot_name))
 28        # Attempt to randomize the random library sequence.
 29        random.seed(time.time())
 31        # Initialize geometric constants.  These should match
 32        # the current geometry of the robot.
 33        self.wheel_radius = 0.1
 34        self.axle_length  = 0.14
 36        # Fetch handles for the wheel motors
 37        self.l_motor = self.getDevice('left wheel motor')
 38        self.r_motor = self.getDevice('right wheel motor')
 40        # Adjust the low-level controller gains.
 41        print("%s: setting PID gains." % (self.robot_name))
 42        self.l_motor.setControlPID(1.0, 0.0, 0.1)
 43        self.r_motor.setControlPID(1.0, 0.0, 0.1)
 45        # Fetch handles for the wheel joint sensors.
 46        self.l_pos_sensor = self.getDevice('left wheel sensor')
 47        self.r_pos_sensor = self.getDevice('right wheel sensor')
 49        # Specify the sampling rate for the joint sensors.
 50        self.l_pos_sensor.enable(EVENT_LOOP_DT)
 51        self.r_pos_sensor.enable(EVENT_LOOP_DT)
 53        # Connect to the eye sensors.
 54        self.l_eye_sensor = self.getDevice('leftDistanceSensor')
 55        self.r_eye_sensor = self.getDevice('rightDistanceSensor')
 56        self.l_eye_sensor.enable(EVENT_LOOP_DT)
 57        self.r_eye_sensor.enable(EVENT_LOOP_DT)
 59        # Connect to the radio emitter and receiver.
 60        self.receiver = self.getDevice('receiver')
 61        self.emitter  = self.getDevice('emitter')
 62        self.radio_interval = 1000
 63        self.radio_timer = 0
 64        self.receiver.enable(self.radio_interval)
 66        # Maintain a table of peer robot locations received over the radio.
 67        self.peers = {}
 69        # Connect to the GPS position sensor.
 70        self.gps = self.getDevice('gps')
 71        self.gps_timer = 0
 72        self.gps_interval = 1000
 73        self.gps.enable(self.gps_interval)
 74        self.gps_location = [0, 0, 0.1] # reference pose value
 76        # Connect to the compass orientation sensor.
 77        self.compass = self.getDevice('compass')
 78        self.compass_timer = 0
 79        self.compass_interval = 200
 80        self.compass.enable(self.compass_interval)
 82        # State variables for reporting compass readings.  The heading is the
 83        # body forward (body +X) direction expressed in degrees clockwise from
 84        # North (world +Y).  The compass_vector is the direction of North
 85        # expressed in body coordinates.  The neutral pose points East.
 86        self.heading = 90
 87        self.compass_vector = [0,1] # reference pose value
 88        self.heading_error = 0
 90        # Connect to the accelerometer sensor.
 91        self.accelerometer = self.getDevice('accelerometer')
 92        self.accelerometer_timer = 0
 93        self.accelerometer_interval = 200
 94        self.accelerometer.enable(self.accelerometer_interval)
 95        self.accel_vector = [0, 0, 9.81] # reference pose value
 97        # Initialize generic behavior state machine variables.
 98        self.state_timer = 0        # timers in milliseconds
 99        self.state_index = 0        # current state
100        self.target_heading = 0
101        self.target_velocity = 0
102        return
104    #================================================================
105    # Polling function to process sensor input at different timescales.
106    def poll_sensors(self):
108        self.gps_timer -= EVENT_LOOP_DT
109        if self.gps_timer < 0:
110            self.gps_timer += self.gps_interval
111            location = self.gps.getValues()
112            if not math.isnan(location[0]):
113                self.gps_location = location
114                # print("%s GPS: %s" % (self.robot_name, location))
116        self.compass_timer -= EVENT_LOOP_DT
117        if self.compass_timer < 0:
118            self.compass_timer += self.compass_interval
119            orientation = self.compass.getValues()
120            if not math.isnan(orientation[0]) and not math.isnan(orientation[1]):
121                # For heading, 0 degrees is North, 90 is East, 180 is South, 270 is West.
122                # The world is assumed configured 'ENU' so X is East and Y is North.
123                # The robot 'front' is along body +X, so the neutral pose is facing East.
124                self.heading = math.fmod(2*math.pi + math.atan2(orientation[1], orientation[0]), 2*math.pi) * (180.0/math.pi)
125                self.compass_vector = orientation[0:2]
126                # print("%s Compass: %s, heading %3.0f deg" % (self.robot_name, self.compass_vector, heading))
128        self.accelerometer_timer -= EVENT_LOOP_DT
129        if self.accelerometer_timer < 0:
130            self.accelerometer_timer += self.accelerometer_interval
131            self.accel_vector = self.accelerometer.getValues()
132            # The accelerometer will read [0, 0, 9.81] when stationary in the reference pose.
133            # print("%s Accelerometer: %s" % (self.robot_name, self.accel_vector))
135        return
137    #================================================================
138    # Polling function to process radio and network input at different timescales.
139    def poll_communication(self):
140        self.radio_timer -= EVENT_LOOP_DT
141        if self.radio_timer < 0:
142            self.radio_timer += self.radio_interval
143            while self.receiver.getQueueLength() > 0:
144                packet = self.receiver.getData()
145                # print("%s Receiver: %s" % (self.robot_name, packet))
146                tokens = packet.split()
147                if len(tokens) != 5:
148                    print("%s malformed packet: %s" % (self.robot_name, packet))
149                else:
150                    name = tokens[0].decode() # convert bytestring to Unicode
151                    if self.peers.get(name) is None:
152                        print("%s receiver: new peer observed: %s" % (self.robot_name, name))
154                    self.peers[name] = {'location' : [float(tokens[1]), float(tokens[2]), float(tokens[3])],
155                                        'heading'  : float(tokens[4]),
156                                        'timestamp' : self.getTime(),
157                                        }
159                # done with packet processing
160                self.receiver.nextPacket()
162            # Transmit a status message at the same rate
163            name_token = self.robot_name.replace(" ","_")
164            status = "%s %.2f %.2f %.2f %.0f" % (name_token, self.gps_location[0], self.gps_location[1],
165                                                 self.gps_location[2] - self.wheel_radius, self.heading)
167            # emitter requires a bytestring, not a Python Unicode string
168            data = status.encode()
170            # print("%s emitter: sending %s" % (self.robot_name, data))
171            self.emitter.send(data)
173    #================================================================
174    # motion primitives
175    def go_forward(self, velocity):
176        """Command the motor to turn at the rate which produce the ground velocity
177           specified in meters/sec.  Negative values turn backward. """
179        # velocity control mode
180        self.l_motor.setPosition(math.inf)
181        self.r_motor.setPosition(math.inf)
183        # calculate the rotational rate in radians/sec based on the wheel radius
184        theta_dot = velocity / self.wheel_radius
185        self.l_motor.setVelocity(theta_dot)
186        self.r_motor.setVelocity(theta_dot)
187        return
189    def go_rotate(self, rot_velocity):
190        """Command the motors to turn in place at the rate which produce the rotational
191           velocity specified in radians/sec.  Negative values turn
192           backward."""
194        # velocity control mode
195        self.l_motor.setPosition(math.inf)
196        self.r_motor.setPosition(math.inf)
198        # calculate the difference in linear velocity of the wheels
199        linear_velocity = self.axle_length * rot_velocity
201        # calculate the net rotational rate in radians/sec based on the wheel radius
202        theta_dot = linear_velocity / self.wheel_radius
204        # apply the result symmetrically to the wheels
205        self.l_motor.setVelocity( 0.5*theta_dot)
206        self.r_motor.setVelocity(-0.5*theta_dot)
207        return
209    def heading_difference(self, target, current):
210        """Calculate a directional error in degrees, always returning a value on (-180, 180]."""
211        err = target - current
212        # fold the range of values to (-180, 180]
213        if err > 180.0:
214            return err - 360
215        elif err <= -180.0:
216            return err + 360
217        else:
218            return err
220    def go_heading(self, target_heading):
221        """Rotate toward the heading specifed in positive degrees, with 0 at North (+Y),
222           90 at East (+X).  This assume the compass-reading process is
223           active."""
225        # find the directional error in degrees
226        self.heading_error = self.heading_difference(target_heading, self.heading)
228        # apply a linear mapping from degrees error to rotational velocity in radians/sec
229        rot_vel = 0.02 * self.heading_error
230        self.go_rotate(rot_vel)
231        # print("go_heading: %f, %f, %f" % (target_heading, self.heading, rot_vel))
232        return
234    def go_still(self):
235        """Actively damp any wobble to come to rest in place."""
236        # map an error in X acceleration to a linear velocity
237        vel = -0.05 * self.accel_vector[0]
238        self.go_forward(vel)
239        # print("go_still: %f, %f" % (self.accel_vector[0], vel))
240        return
242    #================================================================
243    def peer_heading_distance(self, record):
244        """Given a peer record, return a tuple (heading, distance) with the compass
245           heading and distance in meters of the peer from this robot current
246           location."""
247        loc = record['location']
248        dx = loc[0] - self.gps_location[0]
249        dy = loc[1] - self.gps_location[1]
250        distance = math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy)
251        heading  = math.fmod(2*math.pi + math.atan2(dx, dy), 2*math.pi) * (180.0/math.pi)
252        return heading, distance
254    def nearest_peer(self, range=2.0):
255        """Locate the nearest peer (as reported by radio) within the given range.
256           Returns either None or a dictionary with the location record."""
257        result = None
258        best = math.inf
259        for name in self.peers:
260            record = self.peers[name]
261            heading, dist = self.peer_heading_distance(record)
262            if dist < best:
263                result = record
264                best = dist
265        return result
267    #================================================================
268    def poll_wandering_activity(self):
269        """State machine update function to aimlessly wander around the world."""
271        # This machine always transitions at regular intervals.
272        timer_expired = False
273        if self.state_timer < 0:
274            self.state_timer += 3000
275            timer_expired = True
277        # Evaluate the side-effects and transition rules for each state.
278        if self.state_index == 0:
279            print("Init state, entering cycle.")
280            self.state_index = 1
282        elif self.state_index == 1:
283            self.go_forward(0.2)
285            if timer_expired:
286                self.state_index += 1
288        elif self.state_index == 2:
289            self.go_heading(self.target_heading)
291            if timer_expired:
292                self.state_index += 1
294        elif self.state_index == 3:
295            self.go_still()
297            if timer_expired:
298                self.state_index += 1
300        elif self.state_index == 4:
301            self.go_rotate(math.pi / 6)
303            if timer_expired:
304                self.state_index = 1
305                self.target_heading = random.randint(0,360)
307        else:
308            print("%s: invalid state, resetting." % (self.robot_name))
309            self.state_index = 0
311        if timer_expired:
312            print("%s: transitioning to state %s" % (self.robot_name, self.state_index))
314        return
316    #================================================================
317    def poll_following_activity(self):
318        """State machine update function to always move toward the nearest peer."""
320        if self.state_timer < 0:
321            self.state_timer += 1000
323            # periodically test if there is a nearby peer
324            nearest = self.nearest_peer()
325            if nearest is None:
326                self.state_index = 1
327            else:
328                self.state_index = 2
329                heading, distance = self.peer_heading_distance(nearest)
330                self.target_heading = heading
331                self.target_velocity = 0.1 * distance
332                print("%s: peer to follow at %f deg, %f meters" % (self.robot_name, heading, distance))
334        # always either stabilize, turn, or move
335        if self.state_index < 1:
336            self.go_still()
338        else:
339            heading_err = self.heading_difference(self.target_heading, self.heading)
340            if abs(heading_err) > 20.0 or abs(self.target_velocity) < 0.05:
341                self.go_heading(self.target_heading)
342            else:
343                self.go_forward(self.target_velocity)
345    #================================================================
346    def run(self):
347        # Run loop to execute a periodic script until the simulation quits.
348        # If the controller returns -1, the simulator is quitting.
349        while self.step(EVENT_LOOP_DT) != -1:
350            # Read simulator clock time.
351            self.sim_time = self.getTime()
353            # Read sensor values.
354            self.poll_sensors()
356            # Check the radio and/or network.
357            self.poll_communication()
359            # Update the activity state machine.
360            self.state_timer -= EVENT_LOOP_DT
362            # This will run some open-loop motion.  One robot will be the leader, the rest will follow.
363            mode = self.getCustomData()
364            if mode == 'leader':
365                self.poll_wandering_activity()
366            else:
367                self.poll_following_activity()
371# Start the script.
372robot = Wobbly()