Day 5: (Tue Sep 10, Week 3) Robot Conversation; Machine Vision

Notes for 2024-09-10.

New Assignments

New assignment, due Tue Sep 17: Exercise: Vision-Guided Behavior. Note: the sample code is still under development. Please submit documentation to the Assignment 4 Shared Folder prior to class.


tentative plan:

week 3

vision-guided behavior

week 4

project prototype simulation

week 5

pneumatic actuation and control

week 6

prototype machine design and fabrication

week 7

prototype assembly

week 8

Fall Break

week 9

first physical installation


  1. Review and discuss your Exercise: Simulation Conversation results (Assignment 3 Shared Folder).

  2. Demo and discussion of Arm Camera.

  3. Discussion of elementary computer vision.

  4. Discussion of camera input and OSC output.

  5. Discussion of elementary camera machine learning.

  6. Brainstorm: what kind of behaviors can we envision?

  7. Practical question: what specific sample code should I provide?