Dobot Magician Lite

The Dobot model approximates the commercially available Dobot Magician Lite educational robot arm. The arm features three DOF and modular end effectors, several of which add a fourth DOF for Z axis rotation. IDeATe owns one of these robots including the following end effectors: Pen Holder, Suction Cup, and Soft Gripper. The system also includes the optional “Magic Box” controller

This model is demonstrated in the dobot.wbt world available within the archive.


Screenshot of Webots model of the Dobot Magician Lite. For scale, each arm link is 150 mm long, and the red sample object is a 15 mm square, 10 mm tall.

Physical Robot


Photo of the Dobot Magician Lite in the lab, shown in the home pose and with the suction cup end effector installed. Each of the arm links is 150 mm from axis to axis. The grid on the table pad has a minor spacing of 20 mm and a major spacing of 100 mm.

Dobot Kinematics


Schematic of the Dobot simulation model with labeled joints. The +X axis points toward the right, the +Y axis is into the page, and +Z points up.


Schematic of the Dobot simulation model posed with the suction cup origin located at table height at XYZ Cartesian coordinates (250, 0, 0). The J2 and J3 angles are labeled as dimensions.

The core arm has three DOF driven by stepper motors:

  • J1: Z axis rotation in the base

  • J2: Y axis rotation in the “shoulder”, measured with respect to the Z axis.

  • J3: Y axis rotation in the “elbow”, measured with respect to the horizontal plane.

The key detail of the kinematics is that the arm is implemented as two four-bar linkages which act to keep the end effector vertical at all times. The design also keeps both the J2 and J3 motors located on the rotating part right above the base. The J2 and J3 motor mass is supported by the J1 bearings and presents minimal inertial load to the J1 motor. The elbow structure located between the two arm linkages also maintains the same angular orientation at all times.

Several of the end effectors include a J4 actuator for Z axis (yaw) rotation. Only J1 and J4 affect the Z axis rotation of the end effector. The pitch and roll rotations are always zero.

The Tool Center Point (TCP) is the traditional term for the origin of the tool coordinate system used for kinematic calculations. For the following, it is assumed to lie at the end of the suction cup manipulator.


Schematic of the Dobot simulation model with dimensions matching the Webots model.

Forward Kinematics

TODO: derivation of the forward kinematics.

Inverse Kinematics

The inverse kinematics of the robots calculates the joint angles to reach a specific Cartesian end effector location and rotation. The machine is four DOF, so the workspace includes a volume of 3D points and the rotation of the effector around the vertical, specifed as a tuple of (X,Y,Z,theta).

The problem can be decomposed into three parts:

  1. a solution for J1 depending only on the (X,Y) projection of the TCP

  2. a solution for J2 and J3 depending only on the radial distance of the TCP from the base and the height: (R, Z)

  3. a solution for J4 depending only J1 and the desired TCP rotation: (J1, theta)


Diagram representing the kinematics of J2 and J3 within a vertical plane assumed to lie between the center of the base and the TCP. dr is the radial location of the TCP within that plane, dz is the height. L1 and L2 are the lengths of the arm links. alpha, beta, gamma, and radius are intermediate values used in the calculation.

The gist of the calculation given a endpoint location at (dr, dz):

  1. compute the TCP polar coordinates labeled (radius, gamma)

  2. apply the law of cosines to calculate the angle beta

  3. apply the law of sines to calculate the angle alpha

  4. apply algebra to get the actual joint angles, since gamma+alpha+J2 is 90 degrees, and J3+beta+(90-J2) is 180 degrees

TODO: full derivation of the inverse kinematics.

Sample Control Code

The control demo includes an implementation of forward and inverse kinematic calculations to support Cartesian-space programming. It does not implement any trajectory generation or attempt to emulate the specific command language of the physical robot.

  3# Sample Webots controller file for driving the Dobot robot
  4# arm model.
  6# No copyright, 2022, Garth Zeglin.  This file is
  7# explicitly placed in the public domain.
 11# Import standard Python modules.
 12import math
 14# Import the Webots simulator API.
 15from controller import Robot
 17# Define the time step in milliseconds between controller updates.
 18EVENT_LOOP_DT = 200
 20def deg2rad(deg):
 21    return deg*(math.pi/180.0)
 23def rad2deg(rad):
 24    return rad*(180.0/math.pi)
 27# The sample controller is defined as an class which is then instanced as a
 28# singleton control object.  This is conventional Python practice and also
 29# simplifies the implementation of the Arduino interface which connects this
 30# code to physical hardware.
 32class Dobot(Robot):
 33    def __init__(self):
 35        # Initialize the superclass which implements the Robot API.
 36        super().__init__()
 38        robot_name = self.getName()
 39        print("%s: controller connected." % (robot_name))
 41        # Define kinematic properties of arm.  This should be kept in sync with
 42        # the simulation geometry.  The following numbers are close to those derived from
 43        # observations of the Dobot controller.
 44        self.L1 = 150.0  # 149.8
 45        self.L2 = 150.0  # 148.0
 46        self.X0 =  90.0  # 92.8
 47        self.Z0 =   0.0  # 0.1
 49        # Fetch handles for the four axis motors.
 50        j1 = self.getDevice('motor1')
 51        j2 = self.getDevice('motor2')
 52        j3 = self.getDevice('motor3')
 53        j4 = self.getDevice('motor4')
 55        # Convenience list of all actuators.
 56        self.motors = [j1, j2, j3, j4]
 58        # Fetch handle for suction cup 'connector'.
 59        self.suction = self.getDevice('suction')
 60        self.suction.enablePresence(EVENT_LOOP_DT)
 62        # Initialize pose generators.
 63        # self.position = self.position_gen()
 64        self.position = self.cycle_gen()
 65        return
 67    #================================================================
 68    def forward_kinematics(self, j1, j2, j3, j4):
 69        """Compute the tool center point (TCP) position and rotation of the
 70        Dobot, accepting four joint angles in radians and returning a (x, y, z,
 71        r) tuple with the TCP position in millimeters and rotation in radians.
 72        """
 74        # calculate the radial distance of the TCP along the ground plane
 75        rad = self.X0 + self.L1 * math.sin(j2) + self.L2 * math.cos(j3)
 77        # calculate the height of the TCP above the ground plane
 78        z = self.Z0 + self.L1 * math.cos(j2) - self.L2 * math.sin(j3)
 80        # calculate the XY position of the TCP by rotating the radial distance using J1
 81        x = rad * math.cos(j1)
 82        y = rad * math.sin(j1)
 84        # The TCP frame rotation is determined entirely by J1 and J4
 85        rot = j1 + j4
 87        return x, y, z, rot
 89    #================================================================
 90    def inverse_kinematics(self, x, y, z, r):
 91        """Compute the joint angles of the robot, accepting a TCP location and
 92        rotation in millimeters and radians and returning a (j1, j2, j3, j4) tuple in radians."""
 94        # calculate the radial distance and orientation of the TCP projection on the ground plane
 95        rad = math.sqrt(x*x + y*y)
 96        j1  = math.atan2(y, x)
 98        # the end effector rotation transforms the j1 rotation to the TCP frame rotation
 99        j4 = r - j1
101        # subtract the offsets to solve the two-link IK problem
102        dr = rad - self.X0
103        dz = z   - self.Z0
105        # solve in polar XZ coordinates
106        radiussq = dr*dr + dz*dz
107        radius   = math.sqrt(radiussq)
108        gamma    = math.atan2(dz, dr)
110        # use the law of cosines to compute the upper internal angle
111        #   R**2 = l1**2 + l2**2 - 2*l1*l2*cos(beta)
112        acosarg = (radiussq - self.L1**2 - self.L2**2) / (-2 * self.L1 * self.L2)
113        if acosarg < -1.0:  beta = math.pi
114        elif acosarg > 1.0: beta = 0.0
115        else:               beta = math.acos(acosarg)
117        # use the law of sines to find the lower internal angle
118        #  radius / sin(beta)  = l2 / sin(alpha)
119        if radius > 0.0:
120            alpha = math.asin(self.L2 * math.sin(beta) / radius)
121        else:
122            alpha = 0.0
124        # calculate the joint angles
125        j2 = math.pi/2 - alpha - gamma
126        j3 = math.pi - beta - alpha - gamma
128        return j1, j2, j3, j4
130    #================================================================
131    # cycle of poses to move a block back and forth
132    def cycle_gen(self):
133        home_pose = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
134        grasp1_pose = self.inverse_kinematics(250.0, 0.0, -46.0, 0.0) # xyzr
135        print("IK grasp1 solution radians:", grasp1_pose)
136        print("IK grasp1 solution degrees:", [rad2deg(a) for a in grasp1_pose])
138        lift1_pose  = self.inverse_kinematics(250.0, 0.0, -26.0, 0.0) # xyzr
140        x2 = 300.0
141        y2 =  0.0
142        grasp2_pose = self.inverse_kinematics(x2, y2, -46.0, 0.0) # xyzr
143        lift2_pose  = self.inverse_kinematics(x2, y2, -26.0, 0.0) # xyzr
145        while True:
146            yield home_pose
147            yield lift1_pose
148            yield grasp1_pose
149            self.suction.lock()
150            yield lift1_pose
151            yield lift2_pose
152            yield grasp2_pose
153            self.suction.unlock()
154            yield lift2_pose
156            yield home_pose
157            yield lift2_pose
158            yield grasp2_pose
159            self.suction.lock()
160            yield lift2_pose
161            yield lift1_pose
162            yield grasp1_pose
163            self.suction.unlock()
164            yield lift1_pose
166    #================================================================
167    def set_targets(self, pose):
168        """Convenience function to set all joint targets."""
169        for joint, angle in zip(self.motors, pose):
170            joint.setPosition(angle)
172    def run(self):
173        iteration_count = 5
174        cycle_count = iteration_count
176        while robot.step(EVENT_LOOP_DT) != -1:
178            # Read simulator clock time.
179            t = robot.getTime()
180            # print("Suction presence:", self.suction.getPresence())
182            # Change the target position in a cycle with a two-second period.
183            cycle_count -= 1
184            if cycle_count <= 0:
185                cycle_count = iteration_count
186                angles = next(self.position)
187                print(f"Moving to {angles}")
188                self.set_targets(angles)
191# If running directly from Webots as a script, the following will begin execution.
192# This will have no effect when this file is imported as a module.
193if __name__ == "__main__":
194    robot = Dobot()

World File

The robot is directly defined within the world file. N.B. this may later be converted to a proto file.

The complexity of the model comes from defining the closed kinematics loops of the four-bar linkages. Each of the two arm sections includes two slender links and four hinge joints. The loops are closed in Webots using SolidReference nodes within the endPoint field of HingeJoint nodes to close a loop by connecting the last pivot back to a previously defined and named solid body.

  1#VRML_SIM R2023b utf8
  5EXTERNPROTO "../protos/pedestal.proto"
  7WorldInfo {
  8  basicTimeStep 5
 10Viewpoint {
 11  orientation -0.18474475956838535 0.11228893425794732 0.9763506383749815 1.9974740127447057
 12  position 0.1937657109787663 -0.5036934708616577 1.1348369642534586
 14Background {
 15  skyColor [
 16    0.1 0.1 0.1
 17  ]
 19DirectionalLight {
 20  direction -0.4 -0.5 -1
 21  intensity 3
 22  castShadows TRUE
 24RectangleArena {
 25  floorSize 2 2
 27Solid {
 28  children [
 29    DEF pedestal pedestal {
 30      width 1
 31      depth 0.5
 32      height 0.8
 33    }
 34  ]
 35  name "pedestal"
 36  boundingObject USE pedestal
 38Robot {
 39  translation -0.2 0 0.8
 40  children [
 41    DEF base Transform {
 42      translation 0 0 0.0385
 43      children [
 44        Shape {
 45          appearance GlossyPaint {
 46            baseColor 0.180392 0 1
 47          }
 48          geometry Box {
 49            size 0.15 0.15 0.077
 50          }
 51        }
 52      ]
 53    }
 54    HingeJoint {
 55      jointParameters HingeJointParameters {
 56        axis 0 0 1
 57      }
 58      device [
 59        PositionSensor {
 60          name "joint1"
 61        }
 62        RotationalMotor {
 63          name "motor1"
 64          minPosition -2.35
 65          maxPosition 2.35
 66        }
 67      ]
 68      endPoint Solid {
 69        translation 0 0 0.077
 70        children [
 71          DEF link1 Transform {
 72            translation 0 0 0.03
 73            children [
 74              Shape {
 75                appearance PBRAppearance {
 76                  baseColor 0.397253 0.535546 1
 77                  baseColorMap ImageTexture {
 78                    url [
 79                      ""
 80                    ]
 81                    filtering 5
 82                  }
 83                  transparency 0.15
 84                  roughnessMap ImageTexture {
 85                    url [
 86                      ""
 87                    ]
 88                    filtering 5
 89                  }
 90                  metalness 0
 91                  normalMap ImageTexture {
 92                    url [
 93                      ""
 94                    ]
 95                    filtering 5
 96                  }
 97                  normalMapFactor 0.5
 98                  textureTransform TextureTransform {
 99                    scale 10 10
100                  }
101                }
102                geometry Box {
103                  size 0.1 0.1 0.06
104                }
105              }
106            ]
107          }
108          HingeJoint {
109            jointParameters HingeJointParameters {
110              axis 0 1 0
111              anchor 0 0 0.03
112            }
113            device [
114              PositionSensor {
115                name "joint2"
116              }
117              RotationalMotor {
118                name "motor2"
119                minPosition -0.08
120                maxPosition 1.4
121              }
122            ]
123            endPoint Solid {
124              translation 0 0 0.03
125              rotation 0 1 0 0
126              children [
127                DEF link2 Transform {
128                  translation 0 0 0.075
129                  children [
130                    Shape {
131                      appearance GlossyPaint {
132                        baseColor 0.736309 0.796796 1
133                      }
134                      geometry Box {
135                        size 0.012 0.05 0.15
136                      }
137                    }
138                  ]
139                }
140                HingeJoint {
141                  jointParameters HingeJointParameters {
142                    axis 0 1 0
143                    anchor 0 0 0.15
144                  }
145                  endPoint Solid {
146                    translation 0 0 0.15
147                    rotation 0 1 0 0
148                    children [
149                      DEF elbow Transform {
150                        translation 0.025 0 0
151                        rotation 1 0 0 1.5708
152                        children [
153                          Shape {
154                            appearance PBRAppearance {
155                              baseColor 0.736309 0.796796 1
156                              baseColorMap ImageTexture {
157                                url [
158                                  ""
159                                ]
160                                filtering 5
161                              }
162                              transparency 0.15
163                              roughnessMap ImageTexture {
164                                url [
165                                  ""
166                                ]
167                                filtering 5
168                              }
169                              metalness 0
170                              normalMap ImageTexture {
171                                url [
172                                  ""
173                                ]
174                                filtering 5
175                              }
176                              normalMapFactor 0.5
177                              textureTransform TextureTransform {
178                                scale 10 10
179                              }
180                            }
181                            geometry Cylinder {
182                              height 0.04
183                              radius 0.0425
184                            }
185                          }
186                        ]
187                      }
188                      HingeJoint {
189                        jointParameters HingeJointParameters {
190                          axis 0 1 0
191                          anchor 0.05 0 0.025
192                        }
193                        device [
194                          PositionSensor {
195                            name "joint3"
196                          }
197                          RotationalMotor {
198                            name "motor3"
199                            minPosition -0.17
200                            maxPosition 1.48
201                          }
202                        ]
203                        endPoint Solid {
204                          translation 0.05 0 0.025
205                          rotation 0 1 0 0
206                          children [
207                            DEF link3 Transform {
208                              translation 0.075 0 0
209                              children [
210                                Shape {
211                                  appearance GlossyPaint {
212                                    baseColor 0.869856 0.899718 1
213                                  }
214                                  geometry Box {
215                                    size 0.15 0.03 0.012
216                                  }
217                                }
218                              ]
219                            }
220                            HingeJoint {
221                              jointParameters HingeJointParameters {
222                                axis 0 1 0
223                                anchor 0.15 0 0
224                              }
225                              endPoint Solid {
226                                translation 0.15 0 0
227                                rotation 0 1 0 0
228                                children [
229                                  DEF linkEnd Transform {
230                                    translation 0.01 0 -0.0125
231                                    children [
232                                      Shape {
233                                        appearance PBRAppearance {
234                                          baseColor 0.869856 0.899718 1
235                                          baseColorMap ImageTexture {
236                                            url [
237                                              ""
238                                            ]
239                                            filtering 5
240                                          }
241                                          transparency 0.15
242                                          roughnessMap ImageTexture {
243                                            url [
244                                              ""
245                                            ]
246                                            filtering 5
247                                          }
248                                          metalness 0
249                                          normalMap ImageTexture {
250                                            url [
251                                              ""
252                                            ]
253                                            filtering 5
254                                          }
255                                          normalMapFactor 0.5
256                                          textureTransform TextureTransform {
257                                            scale 10 10
258                                          }
259                                        }
260                                        geometry Box {
261                                          size 0.09 0.03 0.045
262                                        }
263                                      }
264                                    ]
265                                  }
266                                  HingeJoint {
267                                    jointParameters HingeJointParameters {
268                                      axis 0 0 1
269                                      anchor 0.04 0 0
270                                    }
271                                    device [
272                                      PositionSensor {
273                                        name "joint4"
274                                      }
275                                      RotationalMotor {
276                                        name "motor4"
277                                      }
278                                    ]
279                                    endPoint Solid {
280                                      translation 0.04 0 -0.035
281                                      children [
282                                        DEF suction Transform {
283                                          translation 0 0 -0.0205
284                                          children [
285                                            Shape {
286                                              appearance GlossyPaint {
287                                              }
288                                              geometry Cylinder {
289                                                height 0.041
290                                                radius 0.005
291                                              }
292                                            }
293                                          ]
294                                        }
295                                        Connector {
296                                          translation 0 0 -0.041
297                                          rotation 0 1 0 1.5708
298                                          name "suction"
299                                          model "suction"
300                                          type "active"
301                                          autoLock TRUE
302                                          rotationTolerance 3.14
303                                          numberOfRotations 0
304                                        }
305                                      ]
306                                      boundingObject USE suction
307                                      physics Physics {
308                                      }
309                                    }
310                                  }
311                                ]
312                                name "end"
313                                boundingObject USE linkEnd
314                                physics Physics {
315                                  density 1500
316                                }
317                              }
318                            }
319                          ]
320                          name "link3A"
321                          boundingObject USE link3
322                          physics Physics {
323                          }
324                        }
325                      }
326                      HingeJoint {
327                        jointParameters HingeJointParameters {
328                          axis 0 1 0
329                          anchor 0.025 0 0
330                        }
331                        endPoint Solid {
332                          translation 0.025 0 0
333                          rotation 0 1 0 0
334                          children [
335                            DEF link3B Transform {
336                              translation 0.075 0 0
337                              children [
338                                Shape {
339                                  appearance GlossyPaint {
340                                    baseColor 0.869856 0.899718 1
341                                  }
342                                  geometry Box {
343                                    size 0.15 0.02 0.01
344                                  }
345                                }
346                              ]
347                            }
348                            HingeJoint {
349                              jointParameters HingeJointParameters {
350                                axis 0 1 0
351                                anchor 0.15 0 0
352                              }
353                              endPoint SolidReference {
354                                solidName "end"
355                              }
356                            }
357                          ]
358                          name "link3B"
359                          boundingObject USE link3B
360                          physics Physics {
361                          }
362                        }
363                      }
364                    ]
365                    name "elbow"
366                    boundingObject USE elbow
367                    physics Physics {
368                      density 1500
369                    }
370                  }
371                }
372              ]
373              name "link2A"
374              boundingObject USE link2
375              physics Physics {
376              }
377            }
378          }
379          HingeJoint {
380            jointParameters HingeJointParameters {
381              axis 0 1 0
382              anchor 0.025 0 0.03
383            }
384            endPoint Solid {
385              translation 0.025 0 0.03
386              rotation 0 1 0 0
387              children [
388                DEF link2B Transform {
389                  translation 0 0 0.075
390                  children [
391                    Shape {
392                      appearance GlossyPaint {
393                        baseColor 0.736309 0.796796 1
394                      }
395                      geometry Box {
396                        size 0.012 0.05 0.15
397                      }
398                    }
399                  ]
400                }
401                HingeJoint {
402                  jointParameters HingeJointParameters {
403                    axis 0 1 0
404                    anchor 0 0 0.15
405                  }
406                  endPoint SolidReference {
407                    solidName "elbow"
408                  }
409                }
410              ]
411              name "link2B"
412              boundingObject USE link2B
413              physics Physics {
414              }
415            }
416          }
417        ]
418        name "link1"
419        boundingObject USE link1
420        physics Physics {
421        }
422      }
423    }
424  ]
425  name "Dobot"
426  boundingObject USE base
427  controller "dobot"
429Solid {
430  translation 0.05 0 0.805
431  children [
432    Connector {
433      translation 0 0 0.005
434      rotation 0.70710528118436 -3.3905113482557537e-09 0.707108281185553 3.14159
435      model "suction"
436      type "passive"
437      autoLock TRUE
438      rotationTolerance 3.14
439      numberOfRotations 0
440    }
441    DEF box Shape {
442      appearance GlossyPaint {
443        baseColor 1 0 0.0166629
444      }
445      geometry Box {
446        size 0.015 0.015 0.01
447      }
448    }
449  ]
450  boundingObject USE box
451  physics Physics {
452  }