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Class 5: Circuit Playground

Tue. Feb 16, 2021, 10:30AM to 12:20PM (Zoom) Today’s class is primarily devoted to hands-on learning. Warm-up Brief check-in. Any questions? Administrative Did everyone successfully pick up a…

Assignment 4: Rebecca, Rebecca

For this assignment we decided to create Telematic scores that focused on a variety of emotions and direct actions. We wanted to be creative with our actions, but…

Assignment 4: Celia, Anishwar, Helen

With Valentine’s Day on the horizon, we decided to create one Valentine’s Day themed score that we each individually act out for our audience members. Because two of…

Assignment 4: Yael and Elise

The Idea: In this project, we took turns instructing the other through simple drawing commands and pen stroke in order to achieve a drawing of a specific item…

Assignment 3 – Over a Distance

Our concept is a light that is remotely triggered by someone in the pair (or a group with an LED light and a color assigned to each person)…

Assignment 3: Anishwar and Rebecca

For our assignment, we participated in a guided origami instruction over Zoom. The catch was we couldn’t see what the person we were instructing was making. The person…

Assignment 4: Telematic Score

Due: Tues., Feb 16, 10:30AM Next week we will begin working with microcontrollers that we will program with lines of instruction (code). This next assignment will offer some…

Class 4: Telematic Instructions

Thurs. Feb 11, 2021, 10:30AM to 12:20PM (Zoom) Today’s class is primarily devoted to discussion. Warm-up Brief check-in. Warm-up exercise: Follow My Instructions Any questions? Administrative Please plan…

Assignment 3: iMessage and Virtual Touch

by Elise and Helen The Idea How can we use built-in features of iMessage to communicate with our friends and loved ones in a meaningful way. Can you…

Assignment Three – Rebecca and Celia

For this assignment Rebecca and I were inspired by an activity called the Doodle Challenge, where one person draws on someone’s back while the second person tries to…