Touch & Melt explores human-machine collaborative fabrication in a process that leverages an innate human skill and a functional robotic skill. The ability to find and focus on engaging physical facets of objects and unique textures on object surfaces – and relatedly, the ability to easily generate an intricate pseudo-arbitrary path of travel on and about an object – is a distinctly human one. The ability to move in the precise and consistent manner needed for many forms of fabrication is an ability firmly belonging to machines.
Using MoCap (Motion Capture) technology to collect tactile scanning data (following the human end-effector path), this fabrication methodology generated an abstracted version of the form of the scanned object. The abstraction seeks out highlighted features of particular tactile importance by finding regions in which the highest amount time has been spent.
Next, the process uses a histogram of touch density to generate contours for a robotic arm to follow. Finally, the robotic arm manipulates a piece of polystyrene plastic under a hot air rework station; its motion follows the generated contours. The resulting melted plastic is an abstracted representation of the human interpretation of the target object.
The project objectives were as follows:
For the purposes of explanation, this description will follow the scanning of a single object (pictured below) by two different users.
Using either a marker or a set of markers (depending on the software and physical constraints) mounted to a glove or finger, a user scans a target object (in this case the face of one of the project creators).
The MoCap system records the scan and collects three-axis position data.
The position data is then exported and parsed through a Python script into a set of points in 3D space to be represented by Grasshopper in Rhino.
The 3D point set is flattened onto a single plane and overlaid upon a grid of squares. The point densities over each square are mapped to the corresponding squares and a heat map representing touch density is generated:
In this heat map, the gradient green-yellow-red represents an ascending touch density value range.
Once the touch density values have been mapped onto a grid, each grid square is raised to a height correlated to the touch density value it represents and a surface is patched over the raised squares.
From this new smooth surface, a set of contours (below) is extracted by slicing the surface at an interval set by the user. (For a deeper understanding of how the contour generation works, read up on the Contour function in Rhino; the two actions rely on the same principle).
These contours are broken up into sets of paths for the robot arm to follow:
The process retains a fair amount of legibility from collected data to robot path.
The robot arm guides the polystyrene stock under the heat gun along the contour paths.
The polystyrene is mounted to a clamp on the robot. The robot arm guides the polystyrene stock under the heat gun along the contour paths.
After several tests (and a bit of singed plastic) we were able to find the fabrication process that is the effective balance of expressiveness and information retention!
The problem of reaching that effective fabrication process, however, was non-trivial. One of the factors in the manufacturing process that required testing and exploration was contour following order.
As we wanted to maximize the z-axis deflection of the material due to heat (in order to have the most dramatic and expressive output possible), we initially believed that we should address concentric contours in an in-to-out order. This would minimize the distance between the heat gun and each subsequent contour. However, we learned that – as our contours are relatively close together – the inner rings would experience far too much heat and hole would form in the material, distorting the rest of the material in a way that we viewed as non-ideal for preserving the contour information. As such, we thought it wise to travel out-to-in to decrease the amount of heat experienced by the inner contours.
When we tested out-to-in order, however, the points in the material at which the inner contours would be had traveled too far vertically away from the heat gun to be effectively melted. Finally, we settled on addressing each layer of contours in the order they were sliced. For example, the outermost contour in the diagram below (1) would be followed first. Next, the second smaller concentric contour along with the small contour that is of equivalent concentricity (2) would be followed. The subsequent round of contours would include those contours marked (3). This continues until the final layer of concentricity is reached. This heating order proved to be the most effective because it was an effective balance of summed heat over regions that were meant to be deformed, but not enough concentrated heat in a small place to cause large holes to appear.
When different users scan the same object, results can very dramatically in both path and touch density. For example, two volunteers who were relatively unfamiliar with technical aspects of the system scanned the same object (the face of one of the project members) and approached the scanning in completely different ways; the speeds, features of primary focus, and scanning goals of the participants varied dramatically. Seen below, the paths are structurally different and repetitive within their own patterns.
In terms of investigating what physical facets are the most engaging, we were able to glean information primarily about faces as that was our chosen object set of interest. Generally speaking, the nose tip, nose edges, jawline, and lower forehead seem to be the areas of primary interest. This seems to be due to the clearly defined curvature of those features. Areas of relatively inconsistent or flat topography (i.e. a plane or a jagged surface) don’t seem to be of particular tactile interest, while edges and and relatively long curves seem to call attention to themselves.
After a variety of tests, we discovered the optimal output parameters were as follows:
We would like to thank Professors Garth Zeglin and Joshua Bard for their guidance and assistance throughout this project. We would also like to thank Jett Vaultz, Ana Cedillo, Amy Coronado, Felipe Oropeza, Jade Crockem, and Victor Acevedo for volunteering their time.
]]>At this point in the project, we have a solid understanding of the technical capabilities and limitations of the workflow. The primary areas of work moving forward are selecting the input objects, creating a finger mount for the mocap marker, refining the workflow, defining the parameters of translation from input information to output trajectory, creating the output mechanisms, and evaluating the output.
The choice of input objects will be given additional consideration, as we would like to have a cohesive set that maintains meaning in the process. Additionally, having multiple users scan a single object could provide very interesting insight into how the workflow adapts based on user input. We may 3D print a ring mount for the mocap marker, or use an existing ring and adhesive. The translation will rely on point density (the points being a sampling of those generated by the motion capture process), and may also take into account direction and speed of scan trajectory. Additionally, this data will be converted to robot motion that will likely need to take an “inside-out” pattern – traveling outward from a central point rather than inward from a border. The output mechanism to be created will be (i) a mount for the robot arm to hold the polystyrene sheet and move it within a given bound and (ii) a mount for the hot air rework station to keep the nozzle and box secure and stationary.
The innate human skill of viscerally exploring an object with hands will be applied to, initially, a base object. The human task will be considered “3D hand-scanning”, or “hand scanning”, but the genuine human, non-robot-replicable skill is tactile sensing and tactile opinion. This is a very visceral, innate execution of sensing that human beings can rely on to react to their environment. The motion of the human scan will be tracked with motion capture markers, and this will allow us to collect data on what affordances are of particular tactile interest. This process would also help develop the human skill of physical awareness of 3D objects (also known as 3D visualization when applied to drafting or CAD modeling).
With this path data, we can learn which features are the most tactilely significant, and this knowledge can be applied to robot arm aluminum deformation.
Model of robot in action deforming aluminum sheet
Finger motion along a subject is replicated by the robot “finger” motion along a deformed sheet.
Model of aluminum sheet post-deformation
If possible, we’d like to explore implementing a “recursive” approach: the user explores a base object, the sheet is deformed, the next human exploration is conducted on the deformed sheet, and either the same sheet – or a different sheet – is subsequently deformed. This echoing deformation could occur several times, and the final result would be a deep tactile caricature of the object and its children.
The technical context of this piece references photogrammetry – the process of generating a 3D model by combining many photos of a single subject. This project pays homage to photogrammetry by using dynamic data to create 3D visualizations of the object, but incorporates physical and tactile action both in the input and in the output. The cultural context of this piece explores how caricature, which is the act of isolating the outstanding features of a subject and disproportionately representing them, can be applied to tactile sensing in an object.
Hybrid Skill Diagram – the process of conversion from human skill to physical output
The implementation of this project will rely on the Motive Motion Capture system to collect hand scan data. The immediate feedback on which the human scanner will rely will be derived from Rhino. This hand scan data will be sent to Grasshopper, where it may need to be cleaned up/smoothed by a Python script, and then will be converted to robot arm control data in, HAL (a Grasshopper extension), and Robot Studio. An aluminum sheet will be held tightly in a mount, and the robot arm will deform the aluminum by pushing it down according to processed scan trajectory data.
Deform + Reform was inspired in part by this project from the CMU School of Architecture.
Please find our video here.
The initial goal of PanCap was to use motion capture technology to better understand, and digitally simulate, the process of flipping a pancake. We have been able to achieve both of these goals. A tertiary goal – to try to glean information from the Motion Capture that could help teach a robot to flip a pancake – sprung up as a longer-term motivation. This goal is certainly in progress, and understanding the data has helped us narrow down the set of circumstances that will allow a robot pancake flip to occur.
Our overarching objective – to better understand and digitally simulate the process of flipping a pancake – broke up into two discrete goals. First, to leverage the position & orientation data capture in the MoCap recordings to find specific border values between each phase of motion of the pancake; this allows us to break up the pancake flip motion into particular physical circumstances. Second, we want to understand more quantitatively what set of skills is necessary to correctly flip a pancake. This could extend to understanding the physical realities of the flip with the potential end goal/motivation being a robotic pancake flip. We would need to and understand the breadth of design that could achieve this goal.
Likely as a result of the nature of the testing and placement of the markers, in the flip we chose to analyze, one marker position disappears from the data at one particular moment. The process of correcting this data required us to understand the data output format in a greater degree of depth than anticipated. Additionally, in order to correct for noise/inaccuracy, exponential smoothing functions were applied to the proper variable, first derivative, and second derivative values before graphing. Finally, for graphing purposes, the change in values along the axis perpendicular to the “up” and “forward” motions (in the imaginary plane of the pan’s motion) were ignored.
The raw data collected, the digital simulations, and the finite difference results teamed up to allow us to generate a more complex physical understanding of the flip. The process of flip can be broken up into five distinct physical stages:
1) Pan and pancake are still relative to ground
2) Pan is accelerating forwards (away from flipper) and up (away from ground) relative to ground. Pancake is not moving relative to pan, kept still by force from the pan increasing static friction.
2.5) (This may or may not occur. Not only could there be some degree of variation, but also the data was not conclusive.) Pan continues to accelerate upwards but accelerates backwards while maintaining a forwards velocity. This breaks the static friction between the pancake and the pan.
3) Pan is accelerating downwards and accelerating backwards. Pancake begins to leave pan. Theoretically, this could be over an infinitesimal period However, in practicality there may be some period in which the pan and the pancake remain roughly together, potentially due to surface adhesion or flexibility on the part of the pancake combined with slow downward acceleration on the part of the pan.
4) Pan moves wherever it needs to (typically forwards) to catch the pancake. Pancake is in projectile regime of motion.
5) Pancake and pan collide.
Vertical and forward values of the pancake over frames.
-Hang: Grasshopper, animations, videos, original data, co-expert
-Varun: Correcting data, graphs, physical analysis, co-expert