Exercise 7: Research Study Part A

The question that emerges from my last assignment is why should we design responsive and interactive spaces, and how might we create these types of designs? Man-made environments have long stayed static and dominated by the visual elements. Integrating interactive components can change the passive relationship between people and space to an active one. Large
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Exercise 6

Lumen is an immersive interactive installation created by Jenny Sabin Studio. It was exhibited at MoMA PS1 as the winner of the Young Architects Program in 2017. The digitally knitted structure uses responsive textile that can emit glowing color at night by absorbing sunlight throughout the day. The installation was created with the concept of
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Exercise 5

Phase In, Phase Out is an artwork created by EJTECH studio. Working with electronic textile and experimental interfaces, EJTECH connected materiality and sounds through making textile into a multichannel electroacoustic transducer.  This artwork is related to Judit Eszter Kárpáti’s PhD research Soft Interfaces – Crossmodal Textile Interactions. Artwork: Phase In, Phase Out. Sound installation /
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Exercise 4

Paper: Ruojia Sun, Ryosuke Onose, Margaret Dunne, Andrea Ling, Amanda Denham, and Hsin-Liu (Cindy) Kao. 2020. Weaving a Second Skin: Exploring Opportunities for Crafting On-Skin Interfaces Through Weaving. Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 365–377. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1145/3357236.3395548  Do you have any conflict of interest in
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Exercise 3

I found the root paper, Printed paper actuator: a low-cost reversible actuation and sensing method for shape changing interfaces, in the course bibliography. I am most interested in its usage of accessible material (paper), and the characteristic of reversible and electrical actuation. It is a conference paper from Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference, so
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Exercise 2

This paper presents a paper actuator produced with 3D printing single layer conductive Polylactide (PLA) on copy paper. The technology is designed as a low cost and easily accessible method for achieving reversible and electrical actuation. Guanyun Wang, Tingyu Cheng, Youngwook Do, Humphrey Yang, Ye Tao, Jianzhe Gu, Byoungkwon An, and Lining Yao. Printed paper
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Exercise 1: “Morphing Origami Block for Lightweight Reconfigurable System”

This paper proposes a way for fast and reversible movement for reconfigurable structure through a 3D shape shifting system. It uses shape memory alloy wire actuators to transform and morph multiple origami blocks into diverse shapes. @article{kim_morphing_2020,title = {Morphing Origami Block for Lightweight Reconfigurable System},issn = {1941-0468},doi = {10.1109/TRO.2020.3031248},abstract = {Origami provides a unique tool
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