Day 5: (Mon Feb 15, Week 3) Soft Art and Design

Notes for 2021-02-15.

New Assignments

New assignment, due before next class: Exercise: Art and Design Inspirations

The original short description, superseded by the assignment page: “Locate documentation of an art or design project which could inspire work for this class. Write a short blog post and be prepared to make brief comments in class. Documentatation could include artist web sites, videos, published papers, review articles; the space is much broader than we been using for robotics research.”

Daily Agenda

  1. Opening comments.

  2. Review Review (about 5 minutes per paper)

    • Prompts

      • Why did you pick it?

      • What can we learn from this paper?

      • Summary of judgement?

    • Development of Magnet Connection of Modular Units for Soft Robotics [R57]

    • Augmenting Soft Robotics with Sound [R11]

    • Kinematic Evaluation of a Series of Soft Actuators in Designing an Eel-inspired Robot [R75]

    • Print On Air: FDM 3D Printing Without Supports [R27]

    • SkinTrack: Using the Body as an Electrical Waveguide for Continuous Finger Tracking on the Skin [R117]

    • Weaving a Second Skin: Exploring Opportunities for Crafting On-Skin Interfaces Through Weaving [R97]

  3. Discussion of Art and Design Literature

  4. Mid-class break.

  5. Breakouts. What scope of work in art and design which might inform our approach?

    1. Say hello, introduce yourselves.

    2. Brainstorm search terms and starting point for art and design work related to the course theme of soft technology.

    3. Try to quickly find an example of what you think might be relevant. It’s fine to pick something you’ve seen before.

  6. Discussion.