– Creative Soft Robotics An exploration of soft robotics research and art. Tue, 10 May 2022 03:36:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Microfluidics Wearables | Sunjana and Jina Tue, 03 May 2022 19:03:50 +0000 Continue reading Microfluidics Wearables | Sunjana and Jina ]]> Project Objective

Our objective was to replicate microfluidics experiments from the paper ‘Venous Materials’ at a larger, more wearable scale, by using molds, silicone, and traditional bonding techniques. We wanted to explore various aesthetic effects of moving liquid from a silicone repository through a set of channels, where the motion would be actuated by physically pressing on the channel. We also wanted to explore reversible color change, caused by different colors of liquid traveling through separate but overlapping channels. Additionally, we wanted to explore how we could design our silicone microfluidics piece such that liquid could get locked into a specific area, even when pressure was released from the repository.

Creative Design Opportunities

When we first began this project, we had initially planned to create a silicone piece for athletes to wear that uses microfluidics to visually indicate pressure applied to different parts of the body. For example, a headgear could have a liquid repository that, when pressed (after the side of the head was banged), would release liquid through a channel into a “locked state”. We wanted this effect to be reversible; we were aiming to design our silicone piece so that applying pressure at various points could cause the liquid to retreat back from its locked position into its original repository.

Our initial sketch.

Above all, we were aiming for a strong visual component to our silicone piece. We wanted our liquid to flow through channels in an intricate, beautiful way, and incorporate effects such as color change. In short, we wanted our piece to not only be functional, but also aesthetically pleasing and invoke a ‘surprise effect’ when the liquid traveled through the channels upon impact.

We also realized that because we wanted this piece to be wearable, the individual layers making up the full piece needed to be as thin as possible, so that when we stacked them, the overall piece would be flexible and allow free motion of the body.


At first, we decided to use Ecoflex 45 for our experiments. We started by testing simple motion of liquid through a short channel, which was successful. We did this with two layers: one which was a piece of silicone that contained deformations for the repositories and channel with a floor underneath, and the other was a piece of silicone that served as the ‘ceiling’ to this first piece. We bonded the two pieces and injected liquid from the top of each repository using a .5 mm needle.

We then moved on to testing an overlap effect by essentially creating two of the first piece we tested, and bonding them on top of each other. We injected blue liquid into one side and red liquid into the other, with the blue liquid accidentally being much lighter than the red liquid, seeing as we didn’t realize how volume of colored liquid impacted how dark the liquid was. Thus, we could see that on the side with the red liquid, the liquid going through the channel appeared bright red, however on the side with the blue liquid, we saw that the liquid appeared purple because of the red directly underneath. In the video, we can see the actual blue color in the square repository, where the red isn’t overlapping. Thus, our overlap effect was successful.

Afterwards, we tried to scale up our design into a full wearable piece with simple actuation: press the liquid repository in the palm and liquid would travel up to the fingertip. However, when scaling up, we realized that when we were making the liquid repository and channel bigger, we also had to adjust the thickness of the silicone accordingly, otherwise pressure wouldn’t be concentrated in such a way as to make the liquid move.

Next, we experimented with a locking mechanism. We wanted to imitate the mechanism from ‘Venous Materials’ here:

After viewing this effect several times, and prototyping with paper, we decided we needed four layers to imitate this effect. The first layer would be the standard “repo + channel” layer, with deformations for both and a floor underneath. The second layer would be a .5mm sheet of silicone with 3 vertical grid line punctures that were 15mm long and 2mm thick, the third layer would be a .5mm sheet of silicone with 3 horizontal grid line punctures that were 15mm long and 2mm thick, and the fourth would be the ‘ceiling’ layer. Liquid would travel from the repository through the channel in the base layer, then flow through the vertical punctures in the second layer and travel along the ‘floor’ of the third layer surrounded by the walls of the horizontal punctures. Surface tension, we hoped, would keep some of the liquid trapped in the third layer, with the rest of the liquid flowing from the third to the first layer. After discovering that 2mm thick grid lines were too thick to enable much surface for the liquid to bond to, we settled on .5mm thick grid lines.

Since this required some very fine bonding and detail work with the molds, we initially experimented with laser cut .5mm Yupo paper layers for the grid layers. This ended up working poorly because the Yupo paper bonded very badly to the silicone top and bottom layers, which meant liquid would consistently leak out of the ends. Additionally, it was a bad idea to inject into the repository from the top because upon pressing the repository, liquid would gush out through the injection hole.

Although we ended up getting an effect similar to what we wanted, as shown below, it was dubious as to whether this was because the Yupo paper was getting stained, or the liquid was actually getting trapped. Thus, we moved on to actually using silicone for all 4 layers.

When we used silicone for all 4 layers, we ran into a lot of issues related to bonding, where liquid would easily leak from the channel/grid lines out of the sides. Our first semi-successful attempt involved the use of DragonSkin 20, hence why we decided to make the switch to DragonSkin after using EcoFlex 45 for all of our previous attempts. This we considered successful because as intended, liquid was traveling orthogonally to the initial direction of the base channel, and then it was getting trapped in the third layer due to surface tension (note the dark blue stain among the lighter blue). However, the effect wasn’t that pronounced, so it wasn’t a complete success.

From this, however, we learned that we could devise a mechanism where liquid would travel from a channel in the base layer through a puncture in the layer above it into a second channel in that same layer (include an image to illustrate what you’re talking about). This meant that we could potentially achieve the color overlap effect without the traditional approach of channel + ceiling + channel + ceiling, instead doing channel + channel + ceiling, which meant that our overall silicone piece could be much thinner.

When we put this into practice, however, our results were poor because it proved difficult to bond the layers together. There was the pitfall of using too much silicone to bond, and having the second layer channel be sealed up with silicone, or using too little silicone to bond, and having liquid from the base layer mix with the liquid that was in the second layer, because there wasn’t enough silicone to bond the part of the sheet that separated the base layer and second layer, or having the liquid leak out from the sides where the puncture was located.

Our final experiment involved a small tweak to the first approach where we stacked channels on top of each other. Instead of doing channel + ceiling + channel + ceiling, where each “channel” piece would be face-up with the floor on the bottom, we decided to do ceiling + channel A (face down) + channel B (face down), where the floor of channel A would serve as the “ceiling” of channel B. In order to reduce the likelihood of liquid colors mixing, which was still possible if the liquid repositories were stacked directly on top of each other and a needle accidentally punctured the floor of the topmost repository, we also decided to design the layers in a “wristwatch” style. This meant that one repository was located on the left side of the wrist, and the other repository was located on the right side of the wrist, so if the needle accidentally punctured the floor of either repository, there was no way for color to mix between the two.

This method turned out to be our most successful method, though we still had a lot of issues with bonding. The way we solved this was by using a paintbrush to apply an even layer of silicone. Additionally, the Dragonskin 20 turned out to be too opaque to clearly see the different colors of liquid when layers were stacked, so we reverted back to using Ecoflex 45. We discovered our issues with Ecoflex 45 in the past had been due to poor bonding and poor injection.

Here are our most successful experiments

Key Takeaways

For injection

  • Before injecting, turn the needle upwards, tap on the side of the liquid chamber a few times, and slowly push up to release any air. This won’t release all of the air, but it will release most of it, and keep the repository from ballooning up when injected with the needle
  • Inject from the back side of the repository and slowly shimmy the needle into the actual repository before releasing liquid. Additionally, don’t inject too close to the repository’s ceiling, but also don’t inject too close to the floor. Otherwise, it’s easier for liquid to leak out after injection

For molding

  • When making molds with a certain depth for the channel, make sure that there’s a decent amount of thickness for the floor. Ie if your mold has 2mm deep channels, the floor underneath those channels should be at least 5mm, meaning the entire mold should be 7mm tall. Otherwise, the printer won’t register the floor as existing.
  • Use the vacuum degasser to remove air bubbles

For channel/repo design

  • Channel volume (area * depth) should be less than or equal to the volume of the repository
  • If you’re scaling up the area of your repository (i.e. by 1.5x), you need to scale up the depth of the repository (i.e. by the same 1.5x)

For bonding

  • Use a paintbrush to get an even layer
  • Potentially create a slightly raised silicone “wall” around your channel in the base layer that combines with indents in the ceiling layer, so that when bonding, you don’t need to worry about silicone leaking into the actual channel and can thus be more generous with applying the bonding layers

Overall, a lot of mistakes were made, and a lot of trials were needed. Here are the trials we did.

How the Molds were fabricated

In Fusion:

  • We started by modeling what we wanted the silicone piece to look like
  • If the silicone piece had divots for the channels, we would flip it 180 degrees so it was upside down
  • We then made a larger block that surrounded the piece and had its ceiling level with the ceiling of the silicone piece (or flipped piece), and had a height that was ~5mm additional to the height of the silicone piece
  • We then used “Combine”, used the larger block as a Target body and the silicone piece as the Tool body, and used the cut operation, keeping the tool for volume calculation purposes

In order to have multiple molds combine to create one silicone piece (in the event that the printer can’t handle the entire mold), we would slice the mold at a particular space (preferably where there wasn’t a lot of intricate channel work happening) and then create hinges so the two edges of the ‘broken’ mold can connect into one.

Technical and Artistic Contributions


  • Engineered and cadded up molds for grid locking mechanism
  • Engineered and cadded up all large-scale molds (puncture overlap, wristwatch, initial single-channel with palm repository)
  • Engineered and cadded up small molds for initial pressure and color change tests
  • Constructed and bonded all silicone pieces for grid locking tests, initial pressure tests, and color change tests


  • Designed the look of the channels and how they would overlap
  • Engineered and cadded up small molds for overlap using final channel design
  • Engineered and cadded up molds to test shape change due to pumping air
  • Engineered and cadded up molds to test Tesla locking valve

Sunjana and Jina worked together on bonding the molds for the puncture overlap mechanism, the wristwatch overlap mechanism, and the smaller version of the wristwatch overlap mechanism (channel + channel + ceiling). Sunjana primarily worked on molding and injecting while Jina worked on bonding. They also worked closely together on ideation.

Final Documentation of Prototypes

When we first started working on our project, we tested simple mechanisms through different techniques like using paper to even just having an extra layer in between. In regards to the paper, the material would stain and not be affective.

Our earlier iterations.
Our second round of iterations which used new patterns in the molds.
We then made bigger models that would get the feeling of layering!
Then, we started to design the prototype to be worn around the wrist.

In the video above, you can see the earlier iterations that we created. Due to the video uploading as a short (it can not embed into wordpress). We tried to upload as a normal video but it wouldn’t let us.

In the final prototype, we tried to perfect the bonding as it would affect how the patterns would appear.


Hila Mor, Tianyu Yu, Ken Nakagaki, Benjamin Harvey Miller, Yichen Jia, and Hiroshi Ishii. 2020. Venous Materials: Towards Interactive Fluidic Mechanisms. In CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’20), April 25–30, 2020, Honolulu, HI, USA. ACM, New York, NY, USA 15 Pages.


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Sunjana and Jina Weekly Report 5 Wed, 20 Apr 2022 23:49:12 +0000 Continue reading Sunjana and Jina Weekly Report 5 ]]> Sunjana:

It’s been a massive inconvenience having been quarantined and barred from campus facilities from the 12th until the 22nd, however we’re hopeful that we can achieve some meaningful result with the molds we have printed.

I took Jina’s design from this morning’s class and turned it into a set of 6 molds, or 3 layers. Below is what the design will look like in silicone form. It is around 6 inches long in total. I had to make tradeoffs between how many channel elements I could include, how much liquid I had available in the repository, and how thick I wanted the layer with the liquid repository to be.

The bottom-most layer contains the two liquid repositories, and is 2.5mm thick. The repositories themselves are 1.5mm deep (I increased the area of the original repositories I was working with by a factor of 1.5). The channels they’re attached to are 1mm deep. This layer also contains the vein-like channels, with ringlets attached to them.

The second layer contains the rectangular channels. A puncture in this layer allows liquid to flow up from the bottom-most layer, into the rectangular channels, which are .25mm deep. This layer is .75mm thick.

The last layer is the ceiling layer. It is placed over the second layer to close off that channel, and is .5mm thick.

Overall, the rectangle is going to be 3.75mm thick, and the amount of material above the two liquid repositories will be 1.25mm.

Below are the 6 molds. Each of them have space for wedges that are 3mm by 4mm by 4mm.

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Sunjana and Jina | Weekly Report 4 Mon, 11 Apr 2022 12:19:54 +0000 Continue reading Sunjana and Jina | Weekly Report 4 ]]> Sunjana:

I was out sick with Covid this whole week, but today I designed some molds that would enable me to do a color overlap using only 2 layers. One layer would consist of the 2 colors (red and blue for example), while the other layer would enable one of the colors (blue) to travel into the channel in that layer, and thus appear to be overlapping with the red, which would be taking a continuous path forward.


Due to being sick, it was difficult for both of us to work in person. I was able to start a silicone test where I used the Dragon Skin 20 to test the the “locking” mechanism in the middle channel. For this test, we added more amount of liquid and air than our previous tests and the flow between the repositories were much more smooth, however, the locking mechanism wasn’t working.

Our team also had a slight pivot as we realized that the locking mechanism is not as achievable as we had hoped, so we decided to focus on the layering of colors and patterns. We started to design and build new designs to test. We are hopeful that this week we can do final pattern tests so that next week we can start building our final for the presentation! In our final, we hope to show the contrast of a more rigid pattern to a more curved pattern.

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Sunjana and Jina | Weekly Report 3 Mon, 04 Apr 2022 04:39:39 +0000 Continue reading Sunjana and Jina | Weekly Report 3 ]]> Sunjana

After last week’s failure with the locking mechanism, this week, I attempted to try two locking mechanisms, one with .5mm thick channels, 3 horizontal, 3 vertical, and one with .5mm thick channels, 3 horizontal, 2 vertical.

With the first mechanism, I tried bonding using Elmer’s glue, which worked poorly. With the second one, I tried using the Ecoflex 00-45, which worked much better. With the second mechanism, I also was able to see the locking work, however fluid started leaking from the sides, and the paper I used for the grid wasn’t transparent, so I had to keep flipping the silicone piece back and forth to see the lock and the liquid traveling through the channel.

Some major issues I encountered

  • I want to be able to test this on actual silicone, since Yupo paper isn’t transparent, but there’s a lot of manufacturing-related issues with that
  • bonding is tough with the yupo paper in the middle, as there always seems to be leaks, not sure if it’ll get easier with just silicone


This week I was able to text and better understand the tesla Valve. Due to the small scale, it was not as efficient when observing the different directions and impact of the water movement. So, I moved forward and also started to look into the locking mechanism. I made models that are printing and hope to be built on Monday to test!

I found this paper that uses the tesla valve into a wearable. This is the model I am trying to print and re-create. How they are using is different but can be of help as they are using the inward and outward direction of the tesla valve. Compared to the model shown in the paper, I changed it slightly to better suit our purpose. The second image is the quick sketch I used to plan out my mold design.

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Sunjana and Jina | Weekly Report 2 Mon, 28 Mar 2022 03:26:48 +0000 Continue reading Sunjana and Jina | Weekly Report 2 ]]> This week, Sunjana worked on trying to reverse engineer this locking effect in the Venous Materials paper.

It appears that there were 3 layers of pattern involved in this effect: the regular channel connected to the repository at the bottom, the vertical grid channels, and the horizontal grid channels. Sunjana has sent molds of each of these layers to the printer, and will be bonding them on Monday.

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Sunjana Kulkarni | Mold C Tue, 01 Mar 2022 21:36:15 +0000 Continue reading Sunjana Kulkarni | Mold C ]]> For this mold, I decided to experiment with creating a silicone piece that could actually be worn. This piece is designed with a wrist strap that is wrapped in a circle with the edges bonded together. The pulser is situated in the center of the palm and the wearer would press it with their thumb and shoot the liquid up to their finger. The channel is surrounded by a long sheet of silicone that can be wrapped around the finger and have its edges bonded together.

This part builds off of my previous experiment with the same channel pattern, but on a much smaller scale, which turned out to be successful when put into practice.

What was also successful about that experiment was the fact that I made my mold have a much larger thickness compared to the mold before that. I had kept the place where the silicone was to be poured at a shallow thickness, however I made the mold itself have a greater thickness so that the floor would actually be printed, and I could avoid the ridges that came from the support material serving as the floor in the first iteration.

In the current mold, I increased the depth of the pulser by a millimeter and increased channel thickness by a millimeter.

Detail Mold Information

Volume 18054.139 mm^3

Ceiling Information

Volume 5820.00 mm^3

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Sunjana Kulkarni | New molds Thu, 24 Feb 2022 20:19:38 +0000 Silicone_MoldsDownload

Volume of silicone for detail mold:

Volume of silicone for ceiling mold:


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Sunjana & Jina | Project Notes Mon, 21 Feb 2022 15:42:41 +0000 Continue reading Sunjana & Jina | Project Notes ]]> 2/16/22

Possible materials we can use??

  • DC motor pumps, low power
  • consider how to combine both the liquid actuation and the air

Create a glove-like or hand wearable that would actuate when you are about to get a bruise

  • can we certain shapes
  • can be certain colors based on severity of injury

Previously focused on geometric shapes –> for next steps we want to test out more organic shapes


  • our molds are too thin
  • try to focus on the shape actuation and liquid

Our next steps consist of creating a workable prototype to understand the correct measurements and what is the thinnest possible measurement for our project.


  • Transparent, soft silicone (Dragon Skin 20, softer than EcoFlex)
  • Syringe + Ink with wide range of colors

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Sunjana Kulkarni | Mold Wed, 16 Feb 2022 05:22:57 +0000 details_silicone.stlDownload
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Sunjana Kulkarni | Research Part B Mon, 14 Feb 2022 05:55:22 +0000 Continue reading Sunjana Kulkarni | Research Part B ]]> Using soft robotics, I will explore how an audience reacts to a garment that changes color. Drawing inspiration from MIT’s Venous Materials paper, I will create a silicone mold of a glove or mitten that can fit over my hand, with a dark liquid repository in the center of the palm. Additionally, there will be liquid channels with a lighter color liquid already inside the channels. These channels will be running down the glove or mitten in the position where the fingers would be. When the fist is made, the liquid repository would have pressure applied to it, and thus the dark liquid would flow through the channels connected to the repository and overlay the lighter color liquid so that the patterns on the glove/mitten now seem darker and the garment has taken on a different look.

This would be building upon the original Venous Materials work because I would explore how the concept of fluid channels can be used in a garment, I would be designing a brand new layout for the channels, and I would be experimenting with “reversibility of colors” in that there would be fluid already in an underlying channel before I released darker fluid in an overlapping channel, thus changing the ‘color’ of the channel from light to dark, and then back to light again when the pressure is released.

The overlay effect from the Venous Materials paper

The outside of the glove when the palm is opened, with light blue ink inside channels
The palm-side of the glove prior to making a fist
The glove after having red ink overlay the light blue ink.

The goal is to develop a reversibly color-changing garment, and I will start by emulating the ‘overlay’ experiment from the Venous Materials paper. I would want to create a single rectangle of silicone with layers of channels. There would be a light colored liquid at the bottom-most level channel, and the channel on top would be the one connected to a liquid repository with a darker colored liquid.

My goal would be to see if I can cause the temporary “darkening” of the channels by pressing the liquid repository. I would then translate my results to a model of a silicone glove with strategically placed channels to enable this ‘darkening’. The most difficult part of this experiment will be designing the channels of the glove appropriately to give the desired ‘darkening’ effect and make it as dramatic as possible. I must either try to obtain the software used to design the channels in the Venous Materials paper, or experiment with different channel layouts after conducting the basic experiment.

The materials I would need to start are PDMS, a CO2 laser cutter and engraver for fabricating the layers, and Ecoline water-based inks. I would later need transparent or translucent white fabric to sew over the silicone.


Hila Mor, Tianyu Yu, Ken Nakagaki, Benjamin Harvey Miller, Yichen Jia, and Hiroshi Ishii. 2020. Venous Materials: Towards Interactive Fluidic Mechanisms. In CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’20), April 25–30, 2020, Honolulu, HI, USA. ACM, New York, NY, USA 15 Pages.

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