Infusing Art w/Technology | Sunjana Kulkarni

I took inspiration from this painting called Rainy Day. Boston (1885) by Childe Hassam In this piece, the artist sought to transport the viewer to Boston’s South End at the intersection of Columbus Avenue and Appleton Street. This piece evokes a sense of calmness and nostalgia in the viewer, even though the viewer has not
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Infusing Art w/ Technology | Jasmine

This is a building called “Revolving Bricks Serai”. The purpose of the design is to provide privacy to the occupants of the building while allowing for natural lights to come through. The varied of angles of the wooden blocks create an “illusion” effect to viewers, and was designed via “parametric design”. The artist seemed to
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Jason Perez | Infusing Art with Technology

Art Piece | Maman Artist Expression/Intent Initial impressions were intimidating, unnatural, and invasive. However, after reading more about the artist’s life and intent, it shifted more towards protection and creation. The inclusion of the eggs in the sculpture introduces a maternal element that is made more obvious with its name. Overall, the artist seems
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Aaron McKenzie | Infusing Art with Technology

Initial Research For my informal research, I started with an Instagram account I follow which highlights the works of various student and professional designers. However, this page mostly focused on product design, so I went to the accounts that design_burger was following to find some other sources for research. I then found the account
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Infusing art with technology | Jina

Corolla – the weather responsive coworking pods Influenced by soft-robotic principles, they used flexible materials that will be able to change to outdoor weather conditions. This co-working pod is meant to link indoor and outdoor working for all year round in any locations. The pod is made of modular steel structure which is covered by
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Inbar Hagai | Infusing Art with Technology

Artwork: Zoodram 4 by Pierre Huyghe (2011) Huyghe let (or manipulate) a hermit crab make his home inside Brâncuși’s 1910 sculpture, Sleeping Muse, thus creating a poetic living ocean ecosystem in a glass aquarium. Context/questions/discourse of existing work The tension between the human and the non-human, the borders between fiction and reality, between make-believe and the
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Sunjana | Art and Design Inspirations

Mandell H. “Monstrous” craft activism: A city yarn installation that wrought controversy through textile togetherness and community engagement. Craft Research. 2021;12(1):31-50. doi:10.1386/crre_00039_1 After utilizing the EbscoHost database, I came across a paper called ‘Monstrous’ craft activism: A city yarn installation that wrought controversy through textile togetherness and community engagement. This paper discusses a commissioned yarn installation
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Jason Perez | Art Inspiration

Formal | Soft Actuated Material: Exploration of a programmable composite I began my search at the EBSCOHost database witih the search “soft robotics.” I eventually came to this paper which focuses on using soft materials for construction and architecture. The paper goes into deep detail about streamlining the process between design and construction. I think
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