4/23 Progress Report- Catherine and Aditti

For this week, we focused on silicone part production and electronic wiring. We currently have 4 flower parts and 3 flytrap parts we can work with. We have also bonded wired acetate to 3 flower parts and 2 flytrap parts, with 2 extra pieces of flower acetate cut and wired to be ready for bonding.

Currently, we are working on fitting everything into the flower pot we bought as housing, and final wiring and testing of parts. Based on Garth’s feedback, Aditti also adjusted the code so that when 1 part is triggered, all the other parts also slightly inflate and deflate (giving them a little more life)

working test with 1 flower connected
10in flower pot
sketch of how parts will fit
wiring with all motors

In class, we are hoping we can test our electronics with all the parts connected, and try fitting them into the flower pot housing.

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