Pic Collage, an iOS App, Feedback

I was looking through my picture gallery of this summer, trying to choose a photograph that would not be as “normal” or predictable to the audience. I ended up with this which I could not initially recognize as one I could have taken because it looked like a desert when I have never been to one in my life.

This was actually taken at the Antelope Canyon where I could toy with my iPhone camera and filter to take photos at certain spots, that gave such illusion of being in a different environment. Without a proper frame of the surrounding rocks, I thought this was fitting to the assignment of making a signal be destroyed using a readymade system, since there is parallelism to how my original shot of the canyon already conceals some real features of the place, highlighting the “readymade” system of the nature’s erosion (and the way I chose to frame the canyon).

The readymade system I chose is called Pic Collage, an iOS App that allows the user to modify and apply filters to any picture. I applied a filter named Clyde over and over until no feature of the canyon was visible and even the desert-like features were no longer recognizable. It was fascinating how the tone and brightness of the original picture quickly faded away through the first few iterations. You can also see that this particular filter frames the picture with darker edges as they are the only remaining elements of the vanished image.