Cosmic Revolver

For this project, I decided to create an audio visualizer. In the window, there is a background of particles that are rendered within a 3 dimensional plane. These particles rotate around and are sensitive to a specified bass frequency utilizing a bandpass filter. The particles shake and grow “brighter” the larger the amplitude of that specified bass. Along with the background particles, there is a rotating object in the middle of the screen. The colors can be customized as desired and they rotate and change in size based off the amplitude of a given track.


Within the presentation mode, the main object in the middle can be customized according to minimum and maximum size, although the volume of the track itself, which can also be adjusted, will also influence the size. Along with this, there is the option to loop a track and also to change the sensitivity the background particles have to the specified bass frequency.


Unfortunately, I was unable to figure out how to render the jit.window properly, as it would freeze my machine. Therefore, I decided to record the screen, which resulted in a poor video quality.