Assignment 1 – Adrienne Cassel

I used the Face App to make myself into the Ultimate Woman using the “young” filter, the “smile” filter, and the “female” filter.

This ^ is the original picture.

I tried to cycle the pictures through it until I got to here:

To get the *Ulitmate* ageless look, I used the “young” filter. Here’s what it’s like to be 30 times younger:

Cycle 4

Cycle 10

Cycle 20

Cycle 30

I’ve been told I should smile more, so naturally I thought I would include it in the criteria. Here’s what a 104 times processed *Ultimate* smile looks like:

Cycle 3

Cycle 20

Cycle 70

Cycle 104

I also used the “female” filter. Heres what a it looks like processed through 8 times: