Assignment 2 – Bri Hudock

For this assignment, I wanted to be able to control the color of the timeshifted frames.  I used jit.scalebias and jit.gradient to change the color of my delayed jitter matrix to black and white as well as replace those black and white values with two colors on a gradient.  The two colors could be chosen by the viewer using the color-picker gui.


I also played with the time shifting patch we made in class and replaced the delay variable with a random number from 0-400.  This had a similar effect to the glitch patch we received after last Wednesday’s class.  Instead of including a random frame from the past couple seconds, however, it superimposed a random frame from the last 400 frames on the current frame.  I liked the contrast between how smooth the regularly-colored current video was versus how spazzy and terrifying the colored and delayed glitch frames were.  The effect made it look like I had demons inside me that were clawing to get out.  As for the validity of that perception, I provide no comment.

assignment 2 – random

github normal timeshifting:

github glitch timeshifting:


Also shout out to jit.charmap-twotone.maxpatch in the cycling ’74 jitter examples for help on how to use jit.scalebias and jit.gradient.