Assignment 2: Real Life Ghosts :o


This patch developed from my interest in the motion detection audio filter that we made in class. I wanted to explore more of what the jit.3m object did and how the different output values could affect the sounds produced if all else was kept the same. The eventual result was a motion detected ghostly sound.

The way I got there was by simply creating a sinusoidal signal generator for each output (minus the dumpout) of jit.3m, and seeing what would happen if I used the various outputs to set the frequencies of each cycle~ object. I realized very quickly that a super annoying robotic beeping occurred, and I wanted to see how I could alter it, so I decided to smooth out the change from one frequency to the next. This gave me the ghostly spooky sound without all the obnoxious beeps.

As for what each output of jit.3m did to the signals, they each had their own qualities. The max output of the jit.3m object was returning the number of the biggest difference in the matrix from one frame to the next, which gives the cycle~ object extremely high frequencies at high motion, resulting in the high whistling sounds. The mean output was the most dynamic and dependent on how much motion was occurring, and resulted in the easily audible midrange frequencies that really amp up the ~ s p o o k y~ aesthetic. The min output stayed at one frequency the whole time, the lowest frequency that I allowed after scaling. This made sense because unless someone was to go absolutely NUTS in the frame, there was always going to be at least one pixel (or cell in the matrix) that didn’t change from one frame to the next, so the min value was constant. This is the lower pitched droning in the mix.

Added bonus: the pwindow that’s showing the motion detection makes you look like a ghost #ArtisticUnity