sfrankel – Assignment 2: In Reminisce of Yesterday

My process in creating this project was using Max, I read a downloaded Vevo file from youtube of a Beatles’ performance of this song. I read it into my code and every time Paul sang the lyric “yesterday”, I increased the frame delay by 20 frames. This frame delay both triggered the visual and audible delay of the song. To exaggerate the time shift, every time McCartney sang the lyric “yesterday”, the frame delay is increased by an increment of 20. I hope you enjoy this project!

Currently taking the Beatle’s class, I felt inspired to combine both of these classes together with the song Yesterday by The Beatles sung by Paul McCartney. With the project being about time-shifting, I felt this song was appropriate as it is about reminiscing of the past or the time before. I found that exaggerating this quality about the music created something both visually and audibly beautiful as it is the lingering echo of the past that comes to remind the audience of time that has already passed.

Link to google drive: