ejhicks – Assignment 3: Convolving the Moon

For Assignment 3, I chose Frank Sinatra’s “Fly Me to the Moon” to be the original audio to be convolved; the song is easily recognizable to most listeners and has some nice audio variety, which made it a tempting choice to distort beyond all recognition.

The four recordings chosen to pair alongside Sinatra were relatively diverse. One was of a balloon popping in an empty bathroom, allowing for a soft echo effect that would hopefully cause some light distortion. This recording and its effect on Sinatra, like all recordings referenced here, can be accessed in the link below. The secondary recording made personally was that of a plastic bottle falling down a stairway: this was chosen to add some variety, as the two balloon recordings initially made did not result in particularly distinct outcomes. The bottle clip allowed for much more variety in the sound output.

For the final two sound effects, they were chosen for both variety and for personal amusement. The first is Ben Kenobi from A New Hope exclaiming “That’s no moon. It’s a space station.” Using speech allowed for a heavily distorted output, as well as being amusingly fitting for the subject matter. To stay on theme, the final recording was sound clip from the same movie; the explosion sound effect when the planet Alderaan is destroyed by the Death Star. The sound clips for both of these sequences and their effects on the original recording can be found below.
