Basketball is famous around the world, and there are many video games built around it. Now it is your turn to make it even better.
Design a video game around the sport of basketball. It can be a subtle variation (what if it was 3 on 1? What if there were 4 baskets instead of 2?) or a dramatic one (what if the players had jetpacks? What about Basketball + Minesweeper?). The design you choose is up to you, it just needs to be inspired by the original.
In one or two pages, describe your design. How does it differ from traditional basketball games as we know them? How do you play it? How will your changes affect the style of play? If you are making structural changes to the game, include illustrations and/or diagrams to communicate your design. Provide enough information so that someone who is just reading your description would have an idea of what the game was and how it was played, without having to ask you follow-up questions. This is an exercise in both creativity and clarity.
NOTE: This is an INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT, so everyone should turn in their own original idea.
Deadline: Friday, 2/1 @ 5pm
Deliverables: 1-2 page document describing your game, submitted as a PDF. Submit your assignment to me via email.