Category: Homework 1

Homework 1 – Betta Fish Feeder

Title: Betta Fish Feeder Creator:  Trevor_DIY. Written by: Connor McGaffin The betta fish feeder is a timed based Arduino project. Users can load 13 of servings of fish…

Homework 1

Project Title: Arduino Mood Lamp Project Creator: Ronny Simon (Not verified) The intent of this project is to create a colorful decoration. It has a pretty standard RGB…

Pixel Smart Lamp

Project title: Pixel Smart Lamp Project creator: Daniel Wilberger Short description: This project is a smart Pixel lamp controlled via bluetooth to an android app that can control…

Arduino-Based Vending Machine (Venduino) Creator: Ryan Bates Summary: Arduino-Based Vending Machine (Venduino) is, as the name suggests, a vending machine that was built with an Arduino. More specifically, it uses…

Contactless Door Opener

By PranP1 URL: This project was designed by high school student who was looking for interesting Arduino project. He read a paper about unsanitary of the door…

See Your Heart Beat

Project Title: Heart Visualizer – See Your Heart Beat Creator: sharathnaik Short Description: This device is a heart visualizer. It is able to show users their heart beat by using…

Automatic Hand Sanitizer Dispenser and Live COVID Updates

Project Creator: Ashish Choudhary Description: This project uses and Arduino, ultrasonic sensor, and water pump system to deliver hand sanitizer automatically through sensor detection, and also provides an…

Hanging Gear Weather Station

    The Hanging Gear Weather Station project was created by the user “Thediylife” on Instructables. This project utilizes stepper motors and a DHT11 Sensor along with an…

Fire From Water

Project Title: Fire From Water Project creator: Ben Eagan Short description: Inspired by a tour to Harry Potter Studios and watching Fire Place for Your Home on Netflix…

Universal Touch-Free Keypad Adaptor for Existing Keypads

Creator: Francesco Gritti Short Description: This device is able to fit over existing key pads in order to give people the ability to push buttons without physically touching them….

Tide Tank project

Project title: Tide Tank Project creator: Robert Zacharias Short description: A creative technologist in the South Bronx worked with  high school students at a boat-building education nonprofit. The…