Title: Betta Fish Feeder
Creator: Trevor_DIY.
Written by: Connor McGaffin
The betta fish feeder is a timed based Arduino project. Users can load 13 of servings of fish food into the feeder at a time, and each day the wheel will rotate a new serving over the dispensing cell. The project is perfect for any betta fish caretakers who are going on short vacations and want their friend to be taken care of.
I am intrigued by this project, having first been drawn to it as someone who would have found use for this when I had a betta. Unfortunately, my betta died when being taken care of by someone else while I was on vacation. There is some parallel between loading up all of the wheel’s feeding cells and loading a personal pill organizer. I wonder if this overlap in ritual may bring people closer to their betta fish. If I were to tackle this project, I would create an accessible casing for the electronic pieces to not distract from the aquarium’s serenity. Additionally, I think I would add a slant in the direction of rotation to ensure that the fish food doesn’t get pinched and caught in the daily movement of the feeder.