Check out the video at: Video_Friendly

The Friendly Box


What does it do?

The Friendly box is a box that loves waving at people. Walk up close to it and it will wave at you, accompanied by a piece of happy music.


What’s required?

  • LED’s (5)
  • Ultrasonic ranger
  • Hobby servo motor
  • Speaker
  • Wires/Jumper wires
  • 9V Battery
  • Supplies to make the box (cardboard/wood….whatever you choose)




Code Documentation here


The eyes of the box (ultrasonic ranger) are programmed to look for an object within 30cm distance. When the ranger does not find any object in front of it, the LED’s are programmed to run a ‘scanning’ pattern.

When the ranger finds someone in the range, the LED’s look like they are loading. After a few seconds (a random number of loads), a hand comes out of the box to wave at the person standing in front of it. This is done by sticking a hand onto the horn of a servo motor. The box also plays a piece of happy music through a speaker.


In the works….



Detail of the servo motor (hand)



Looking back….

We initially wanted to launch a ping-pong ball instead of the hand. We thought of doing this using a mechanical contraption using springs (see below image). However, getting the servos to keep the springs down under tension proved to be very difficult. This made us iterate the idea to include the hand.