Category: Final documentation

Joystick Actuated TV Remote by The Firs: Final Documentation

1. Introduction: In this project, each group in our class was assigned to work with a client with a physical disability to create a prototype of a product…

Cutting Board by Maples: Final Documentation

For our final project, we interviewed someone who was disabled and designed a device that could help make their life easier. Our client was Jen, someone who had…

Acrylic Pour Painting Platform by Pines: final documentation

Title and introduction For this project, small groups were connected with clients with physical disabilities to collaboratively create an assistive device that aids the client. Our client, Brenda,…

You’ve Got Mail! by the Oaks: Final Documentation

INTRODUCTION As a team, we (Carlos Ortega and Amelia Lopez) worked with Annie Verchick  to develop a gadget suited for her unique needs. Checking mail was always a…

Button Activated Blinds Operator by Team Laurels: Final Documentation

This particular assistive device was developed as the final project for physical computing where 3 students worked closely with our client, Elaine Houston, to create something that would…

Button-Controlled Adjustable Platform by The Yews: Final Documentation

Introduction: For the final project, we met with our client Haleigh Sommers, who lives life in a wheelchair and must place her common devices (phone, Kindle, laptop) on…

Double Transducer: The Convoluted Potentiometer (Orientation –> Light)

The most successful Tinkercad circuit we built, for testing and learning the LCD screen and the LiquidCrystal library. See below for our full Tinkercad circuit and why it…