Project Overview
The “Sunshine Lovers” is a machine that transduces light input into a linear position through an intermediate step.
Working Demo 1 – The Turtle Job
Working Demo 2 – The Casey Bro
Narrative description
Our double Transducer takes in light and transforms it to a linear position. The photoresistor reads light and the value of light is transformed to a value of heat created by an incandescent bulb. A thermistor reads the heat on the incandescent bulb and then sends the value of heat to a linear actuator. In Evie’s the linear actuator works as a turtle, named Job, who wakes up to the heat of the sun and then begins to swim downstream. In Dongtao’s machine, Casey brings a happy face that moves to indicate joy. The linear actuator should resemble the amount of light from the beginning of the chain.
- Highlight 1: Heating up the light bulb is relatively easy and quick, but cooling it down can be time-consuming – it would be a good idea to add an additional ventilation fan to the setup to help with it.
- Highlight 2: Photoresistor output data in combination with artificial light input is highly dependent upon the ambient light condition, the results may vary depending on the location in the studio space; therefore, it is a good idea to preset a parameter ‘ambient lighting baseline’ every time the machine starts to run for the flashlight to work with.
- Highlight 3: It was fascinating to learn the difference that H-bridge can help drive high-voltage components without a physical ‘switch’ and works with analog input, whereas the relay only works with digital inputs.
- Highlight 4: Always test run the machine on different power sources to ensure it is compatible across the board – especially need to test it with the power supply used for the presentation
- For presentation purposes, it would be great to start thinking about designing a casing for future projects – therefore the interactive feature of the machine is easier to apprehend by the audience. The idea of casing shall be evaluated from the beginning of the prototyping process for coordination of different parts within.
Functional block diagram and schematic
Code submission
//Evie and Dongtoa //light value to linear position //intor to physical computing Winter 2023 #include <LiquidCrystal_I2C_Hangul.h> #include <Wire.h> LiquidCrystal_I2C_Hangul lcd(0x3F, 16, 2); int photoVal; int temP; int heaT; int linearP; int linearOUT; int previouseOUT; const int PHOTO = A3; const int THERM = A2; const int HOTB = 6; const int MOT_0 = 10; const int MOT_1 = 11; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); //inputs and outputs pinMode(PHOTO, INPUT); pinMode(THERM, INPUT); pinMode(HOTB, OUTPUT); pinMode(MOT_0, OUTPUT); pinMode(MOT_1, OUTPUT); // moters are off digitalWrite(MOT_0, HIGH); digitalWrite(MOT_1, HIGH); //LCD screen setup lcd.begin(16, 2); lcd.init(); lcd.backlight(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); //goto first column (column 0) and first line (Line 0) lcd.print("Light "); //Print at cursor Location lcd.setCursor(0, 1); //goto first column (column 0) and second line (line 1) lcd.print("Temp "); //Print at cursor location lcd.setCursor(10, 0); lcd.print("Pos"); //source for LCD screen : } void loop() { //Input values: photoVal = map(analogRead(PHOTO), 0, 1023, 0, 100); temP = map(analogRead(THERM), 0, 1023, 0, 100); //Out put values: linearOUT = (map(temP, 50, 100, 0, 3000)); heaT = map(photoVal, 30, 100, 0, 200); //to show on the screen linearP = map(linearOUT, 0, 3000, 0, 100); /////////////////set the screen: lcd.setCursor(6, 0); //move the cursor to position 6 on row 1 lcd.print(photoVal); delay(300); lcd.setCursor(6, 1); lcd.print(temP); delay(300); lcd.setCursor(14, 0); lcd.print(linearP); delay(300); ///////////////// heat bulb: if (photoVal > 30) { analogWrite(HOTB, heaT); // 30 is about anbient light, this way the lightbulb wont be on // unless there is a light next to it, giving it time to cool down } if (photoVal < 30) { analogWrite(HOTB, 0); } //////////////////// linear actuator based on time //takes 3000milsecs to reach the the end. 0 is 0% heat and 3000 is 100% heat //if the temperature rises, the linear position increases if (linearOUT > previouseOUT && temP > 50) { digitalWrite(MOT_0, LOW); digitalWrite(MOT_1, HIGH); // how long it goes out: delay(linearOUT - previouseOUT); digitalWrite(MOT_0, HIGH); digitalWrite(MOT_1, HIGH); //how long it stops: delay(300); } //if the temperature decreases the linear position decreases if (linearOUT < previouseOUT && temP > 50) { digitalWrite(MOT_0, HIGH); digitalWrite(MOT_1, LOW); //how long it goes in: delay(previouseOUT - linearOUT); digitalWrite(MOT_0, HIGH); digitalWrite(MOT_1, HIGH); //how long it stops: delay(300); } previouseOUT = linearOUT; Serial.println(previouseOUT); }