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Assignment 2 – Muppet Monster

Created By: Joe Mertz, Nitesh Sridhar, Paul Calhoun, Sydney Ayers, and Toya Rosuello For this project we wanted to make a creature with a large mouth, which we…

The Peacock Spider – Assignment 2

  The group created a nature mockumentary about the Peacock Spider. Using simple mechanisms for the base of the Peacock Spider, the group focused on replicating shots often…

Perspectives On a Mechanism

Team: Xavier Apostol, Melody Ting, Jen Kwang, Steffen Holm, John Choi Vimeo Link: Originally conceived as an ornithopter-like apparatus designed to mimic the flapping wings of a bird,…

Rainbow Pinball We created a pinball machine using the wooden table as the base and wood pieces and joints as the flippers and other obstacles.  We then layered mylar,…

Jan 26 Agenda

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Photos of Sam Stark taken by Ricardo Tucker

Lights and Camera: Justin Abel

                  Some self-portrait photos taken during an in class exercise targeted towards experimenting with light and camera settings.

Light and Camera – Nitesh & Toya

Toya Rosuello and Nitesh Sridhar

Lights and Camera: Photos of Melody

  Photos of Melody Ting Taken by Jennifer Kwang on 24 Jan 2017. (  

Lights and Camera: Portraits of John Choi

John Choi subjected to an upward facing light.   Creating shadow puppets using gel sheets and reflective material.