Tutorial: Armature Automation

The main purpose of this tutorial is to explore the potential of algorithmic or mechanical transformation to extend the potential of keyframed physical movement.

In conventional stop-motion animation, every freedom of every character is controlled by hand. However, in 3D CGI animation, the power of algorithmic transformation is used to structure and control an enormous number of discrete freedoms in each character model through scripting and rigging. This tutorial is an exploration into using mechanism and software to extend the intention of the animator throughout many physical freedoms.

The central hypothesis is that the coordination of multiple physical freedoms is perceptible and conveys character. For non-sentient elements, this might be the result of its own physical nature, e.g. water waves sloshing, fabric rippling, objects falling and bouncing. For sentient characters, the coordination might reflect a disposition or emotional state: e.g. crisp rhythmic motions versus loose disjointed ones. With supreme skill an animator can produce any sort of coordination desired, but as a technical goal we would like to use our mechanical and computational resources to ease the labor and produce a distinct result.


At the end, you should be able to do the following:

  1. Program scripted rigging or build mechanical systems to abstract the animation interface and automate scene or character elements.

This assignment could be satisfied by applying either or both software and mechanism to coordinate multiple freedoms.

Deliverables: please finish setting up your scene and shoot a short stop-motion video. The video should emphasize an the systematic coordination of a complex scene in order to convey character. You must use a DSLR camera via Dragonframe.

The video should be uploaded to Vimeo and embedded in a short blog post. Please assign all group members as authors on the post. This is due Monday at 8PM.

Please have your workstation cleaned up and all materials put away prior to the start of class next Tuesday.