week 3, September 12

meet in Dye Lab, A31 (basement, walk past the Lending window and elevator doors)
quiz 2
Dye Lab Sign Up has been updated; Dye Lab is shared by two classes and students who reserve a table have priority to work in the lab
demo: preparing yarn for dyeing, using the umbrella swift to make hanks/skeins, adding minimum of four figure 8 ties, wetting out the fiber, documenting fiber weight and color dye proportions, dyeing protein fibers with Jacquard acid dyes
dye lab safety and cleanliness policy

work on weaving and embroidery samples
students work in assigned groups to complete acid dye samples by September 19; each group must reserve Table A or Table B here
*follow instructions in Acid Dyed Yarn, Technical Learning: Samples
*each group dyes assigned amounts of skeins and roving/batting
*dyed fiber must be brought to class dry, in ball format, and labeled
*images documenting the process must be pinned to Pinterest by each student
*legible labels with color proportions must be documented with permanent marker on fabric tape or on a separate piece of paper attached to the dyed fiber
*students are expected to work together as a group, NOT individually; students should agree on a plan of action at the start of the session (who will document, who will calculate, who will clean, who will make sure that the floor is not wet, who will make the hanks/skeins, who will measure etc)
history of dyes
a brief history of the invention of modern color
In Search of Forgotten Colours – Sachio Yoshioka and the Art of Natural Dyeing

Adobe Color, great place to explore color combinations
Digital Tool for mixing colors, trycolors.com
Color Theory Basics
How to Not Suck at Color – 5 color theory tips every designer should know
Cochineal Red: The Art History of a Color